Could California reparations affect the presidential election?

To the editor: Talking about reparations in a year when there will be a very close national election, when California politics will be in full swing, is worse than stupid. People will associate this with Vice President Kamala Harris as something that will spread nationwide if she wins the presidency. (“California Democrats Talked a Lot About Reparations. They Started Slow,” Sept. 1)

To be clear, a state where slavery was never legal wants reparations for people who were never slaves from people who never owned slaves. The logic is impeccable.

The California Legislature should abandon its reparations efforts or prepare for another Trump presidency.

Benedict Lucchese, Camarillo


To the editor: With all due respect, don't you think we should start our reparations with the Native Americans?

We stole their land and enslaved them in the name of building America. We put them on barren land reservations and called them “fair.” To this day, many still have no running water.

Shame on us! We need to start from the beginning and repair the damage caused to the tribes we have harmed.

Sheila Winston, West Hills

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