Chevron is leaving California. Too bad it's not leaving the planet

To the editor: Chevron is moving its headquarters from San Ramon to Texas. The Times describes this as a blow to the state's oil industry. Hopefully it was a blow to the oil industry in general.

The state of California has taken steps to address climate change, including suing major oil companies for decades of misleading fossil fuels and for passing on the costs of climate disruption to the public. Mike Wirth, CEO of Chevron, criticizes California's lawsuit; he says global warming is a global problem and piecemeal legal action is not helpful.

As if looking for useful solutions.

Chevron and its accomplices have resorted to every possible tactic to thwart the effort to replace fossil fuels with clean energy. They have had phenomenal success and are enjoying unprecedented corporate profits. The fact that this success comes at the expense of humanity and the other species that share our Earth does not seem to matter to them or our government leaders.

It continually amazes me that while we jail people for robbing a bank, it is still perfectly legal to devastate a planet.

Grace Bertalot, Anaheim


To the editor: Goodbye to good-paying jobs and the tax revenue that goes with them. Those of us who can't get out of California will now have to pay higher taxes to support our bloated government. Wonderful!

Now tell us that our governor and legislature are determined to make our lives better. How many businesses have to leave the state or simply close down before we wake up and vote these people out of Sacramento?

Marcus Kourtjian, Northridge

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