California is as American as Texas. enough of hate

To the editor: The Times has written numerous columns about people leaving California. People can leave for many reasons, but they should value the fact that can leave California. There are 50 states in the United States. (“We hold these truths to be self-evident: The Golden State is still golden. And yes, we are Americans,” column, February 18)

People can move as much as they want and should move wherever they want. But they must realize that this is only possible because we are a united country and not a group of independent states.

When crossing between California and Nevada, there are no border guards conducting passport checks. So please consider this when you disparage California. No one is stopping you from leaving, so go and enjoy your trip.

We would be a much better country if we all appreciated our diversity. So live in the state you want, but remember that this is only possible because we are the United States of America.

Linda Shabsin, Diamond Bar


To the editor: Like other knee-jerk progressives, columnists Mark Barabak and Anita Chabria strive to convince readers to believe their assessment of today's California and deny what their own lying eyes reveal to them.

Kip Dellinger, Santa Monica


To the editor: How many more times do we open the newspaper and see yet another article about the disappearance of California?

We're not so insecure that we need to read about another poll measuring what outsiders think about our state. And one would think, after all the letters to the editor in Saturday's newspaper dismissing the haters, that we had finally put an end to the California saga, love it or hate it.

But not. Sunday's California section began with a conversation between two journalists who told us why they love California.

Arrest. I don't care what other people think. All I know is that I love California, and after 48 years, I'm here to stay.

Coleen Sterritt, Altadena


To the editor: I read with interest the letters about the reasons California residents enjoy our beautiful state, such as being able to play golf in February.

In the same day's newspaper, there were stories about lax gun laws in Missouri, where a mass shooting occurred during the Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl parade, and states rejecting federal food aid.

I like living in California because we don't have a heartless governor who decides to refuse meals to hungry children for political reasons before changing course after a protest (Nebraska), nor do we pass dangerous laws that allow adults under 21 to carry loaded guns hidden weapons (Kansas).

Sure, the weather is nice, but I also appreciate our policies and priorities.

Kendall Wolf, Encino


To the editor: I discovered that many of the pro-California letters were written by people whose lives were working very well for them. The implication is libertarian: everyone can succeed through their own individual diligence and perseverance.

These people remind me of Christians who believe they have money, own a BMW, and live in Irvine because they believe in Jesus.

Rick Felsher, Santa Ana

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