California Community Colleges Deserve Alumni Donations

To the editor: It is a troubling reality that community college alumni are more likely to contribute to the four-year universities to which they transfer than to the schools where they began their higher education journey. That needs to change. (“Community colleges deserve more love from higher ed megadonors,” Opinion, Jan. 26)

As an alumna of the University of California system, a long-time faculty member of the California State University system, and a member of the board of trustees of a community college board, I have witnessed unparalleled and unsung dedication from of faculty and staff at California community colleges.

Without a doubt, community colleges deserve greater support and recognition. If it were not for community colleges, many would not be able to afford to study beyond high school.

Community colleges educate a significantly larger student population compared to all other colleges and universities in the state. Furthermore, they contribute substantially to our collective health and well-being.

Most first responders, medical professionals, and STEM students in California receive their certificates and degrees from community colleges. More than half of California veterans who receive educational benefits from the GI Bill attend a community college.

Lorena Prinsky, Huntington Beach

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