Biden failed in the debate. This will be a terrible election

To the editor: After watching the debate between President Biden and former President Trump, all I can say is this: There is no form of damage control that can save Biden.

I was actually starting to feel sorry for Biden as he limply moved from one question to the next, often staring into oblivion with his mouth agape, but my sympathies evaporated when he started telling outright lies.

My son-in-law is a combat veteran with two tours of duty in Afghanistan and now works for the Department of Veterans Affairs. He was watching the debate with us. As soon as Biden started talking about veterans and the VA, he stood up, pointed at the screen and said, “That's a lie…he can't say that…he's lying!”

At one point I burst out laughing when Trump was asked to respond to something Biden had muttered, and in response Trump said, “I don't know what he just said at the end of that sentence, and I don't think he does either.”

And so the evening passed. I'm waiting to see what kind of lies and excuses are made up to defend Biden. The first one I see is that Biden has a cold.

Oh my god, this is pathetic. It's time to change the battery. Do it.

Arthur Saginian, Santa Clarita


To the editor: During the debate, the acting president was a stammering, clumsy, unfocused individual, with the agony of his physical and mental frailty on full display.

The lopsided verbal encounter between these two grumpy old men exposed America's utter helplessness, hopelessness and misery. It also normalized blatant lies and baseless conspiracies articulated by a convicted felon with confidence and great ease.

Between now and November 5, the number of undecided voters who care about this country beyond their party and personality will undoubtedly increase. Most of them will let their conscience sway them and stay home and not give a mandate to either evil.

I will be one of them.

Abdul-Majeed Azad, Columbus, Ohio


To the editor: The debate made it abundantly clear that this runaway political system is now stacked against the American voter. There are no Democrats or Republicans anymore.

Never before have the American people faced such an embarrassing choice, and that's the point: if nothing is offered, our vote is worthless.

Jim Kalin, Los Angeles

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