Biden deserves no praise for a decision he should have made long ago

To the editor: If Russian leader Vladimir Putin were to end the war in Ukraine today, would that be worthy of praise? Of course not: No one should be congratulated for solving a problem they themselves caused. While not as extreme, the same principle should apply to President Biden. (“Biden drops out of campaign, endorses Kamala Harris as Democratic presidential nominee,” July 21)

Polls have long shown him, at best, tied with a person who might have sparked an insurrection. When it became clear last year that Biden had an uphill battle against Trump, he should have expressed his intention to limit his presidency to one term. But he did not do what a patriot would have done at the time.

As a result, Democrats are facing a disaster that will unfold over the next month.

As for Vice President Kamala Harris, I will never understand why Biden chose her to run against him in 2020. It’s true that he promised to choose a woman of color as his running mate, but there were other minority women who would have made excellent vice presidential candidates. Let’s not forget that Harris did not get a single vote for president in the 2020 primary process, because she was forced to withdraw before the Iowa primary.

Democrats need to adopt a strategy in this election. They need to choose a candidate who can attract the voters necessary to win the general election. Harris is not that person. I hope they make the smart choice.

Joel Drum, Van Nuys


To the editor: There is no discussion about Biden's unfitness to serve as US president. The important question is who is responsible for the cover-up and how long has it been going on?

This administration promised to be transparent, but it has been exactly the opposite. All of America has been misled for months, if not years. These are vulnerable times for this country, and our security may have been compromised by people who have put political gain ahead of what is crucial leadership.

This is not the first time that politicians have lied to our country, but it should be the last. Let us all recognize that we have all been able to dodge a bullet and we do not want it to happen again.

William Carroll, Carlsbad

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