Baseball is losing its fan base. There's an obvious way to stop it

To the editor: Ruben Martinez is wrong with his argument of “making baseball beautiful again.”

Baseball has been losing more and more fans and its importance in the minds of the next generation. According to Morgan Sword, MLB's executive vice president of baseball operations, there are two clear changes that fans want to see: “A crisper, shorter, more action-packed game.”

An article citing Sword stated that “many of the analytical efficiencies that helped teams win games were the same factors that robbed the sport of much of its charm.” That’s right! As a baseball fan, I am tired of umpires affecting the game with their bad calls. MLB is the only major sports league where it is acceptable for umpires to be right most of the time. The technology is there to make it right 100% of the time.

Dennis Parks, Dana Point

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