Artificial plastic grass is a toxic and harmful mess. Stop using it.

To the editor: For the letter writers who wrote in support of artificial turf, I have two comments.

First of all, plastic recycling is basically a hoax perpetrated by the plastic industry. Ultimately, almost all plastic ends up in landfills, in the oceans, and in our bodies. Artificial turf only exacerbates this problem.

Secondly, artificial grass has no habitat value. At a time when we are losing plant and animal species due to climate change, we should be doing everything we can to create native plant habitats in our public and private spaces to support the animals we share our Earth with.

Chuck Little Man, Burbank


To the editor: In a world of extreme heat, there is no excuse for flooding outdoor spaces with plastic waste or tires. Synthetic turf is a plastic carpet that pretends to be grass, but is exactly the opposite of natural grass, which refreshes and oxygenates.

Plastic mats can get hotter than asphalt and release plastic fibres and microplastics that are inhaled, ingested and stick to the skin. In addition, a recent study published in the journal Environment International found that chemicals in plastics can cross the skin barrier and enter our bodies.

Turf fields can be designed to be durable, low maintenance and water efficient. There is no excuse for exposing children and athletes to hot, toxin-laden plastic surfaces.

Kathleen Michels, Silver Spring, Maryland.

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