All rodeos are cruel to animals. There is no excuse for allowing them.

To the editor: I was very disappointed to see an article in the LA Times glorifying rodeos. (“Bill Pickett rodeo brings show to Los Angeles,” July 22)

In 1990, the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, passed an ordinance that effectively banned rodeos after a bull was caught on video suffering from a broken leg and screaming in pain. The Pittsburgh City Council quickly banned flank straps, electric prods, and other harmful equipment used at these events, and no rodeos have been held there since.

People have also been injured and killed at rodeos. In this violent world, we need our leaders to lead us to a kinder, more compassionate world for all.

It should be noted that Bill Pickett started his rodeo because black cowboys were not allowed to participate in events organized by white men. Therefore, racism is actually among them, not among those who oppose all rodeos.

Our opposition has nothing to do with culture, racism or sexism: it is about cruelty towards innocent and defenseless animals.

Patty Shenker, Woodland Hills

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