Alabama frozen embryo ruling portends a theocratic future

To the editor: The Alabama Supreme Court's ruling that frozen embryos are real children is a harbinger of things to come if former President Trump prevails in November.

There has always been a desire for religious fanatics to dictate everyday life in America to one degree or another. But the resurgence of this movement appears to be moving forward: The Heritage Foundation's little-known Project 2025 (look it up) and other efforts by organizations promoting Christian nationalism are well established and ready for implementation.

Hopefully, a sleepy American electorate will wake up in November and thwart this attempt to create a theocratic, dystopian society.

Jack Vangrow, Crown of the Sea


To the editor: Perhaps now that the Alabama Supreme Court, headed by Chief Justice Tom Parker, has determined that the moment a human egg is fertilized it is a “child,” it will cite and accuse God as the world's biggest killer of children. all.

The evidence is overwhelming for those true believers who are sure of the Lord's omnipotence. Between 10% and 20% of known pregnancies abort on their own. An Israeli study showed that among more than 53,000 women capable of becoming pregnant, 43% reported having had one or more miscarriages during their reproductive lives.

That adds up to many dead “children.”

Surely theocratic consistency, exemplified by the courage already demonstrated by the Alabama Supreme Court, demands that justice be done. I await reports that the State is taking action against the culprit.

SH Kardener, Santa Monica


To the editor: My current filing status as a single person with no children could change to head of household with 10 dependents. Please indicate the amount to be changed on my withholding form.

Diana Lee Carey, Westminster

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