Adam Schiff for the United States Senate

California voters are lucky this year. They have three strong contenders in the March primary for the U.S. Senate seat held by the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Representatives Barbara Lee, Katie Porter and Adam B. Schiff, all Democrats, are intelligent, experienced and knowledgeable House members who could represent California well in the Senate.

Schiff, however, stands out for his extraordinary leadership over the past several years in helping to protect the nation's institutions, the rule of law, and American democracy itself from former President Trump.

Given the increasingly authoritative statements of Donald Trump, the possibility that he could return to the White House, and the Republican Party's absolute loyalty to him, the Senate needs Schiff, a thoughtful, battle-tested leader who has proven he can rise to the moment.

The Times recommends Schiff as California's next senator.

Throughout his nearly three-decade political career representing the communities of Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Valley, Schiff (D-Burbank) has been known as a thoughtful and kind legislator who digs into the details to find practical and a trusted advocate for local needs. . He served four years in the state Legislature before being elected to the House in 2001. Before running for office, he was an assistant U.S. attorney and never abandoned the methodical, controlled demeanor of a prosecutor.

Before Trump, “if you asked members of the House to identify who was going to be a lightning rod for the other side, I don't think anyone would have pointed it out to me,” Schiff joked during an interview with the editorial board.

However, Schiff has become a frequent target for Trump supporters, perhaps because he has been such a serious and effective foil to the former president's abuses of his office. As chairman of the House Intelligence Committee from 2019 to 2023 (before then-Chairman Kevin McCarthy removed him from the committee last year), Schiff led the first impeachment inquiry into Trump for allegedly withholding military aid from Ukraine. while pressuring the country's leaders to announce an investigation into Joe Biden.

Schiff was the lead prosecutor in the Senate impeachment trial, skillfully building the case that Trump abused the power of his office to personally benefit and then sought to impede the congressional investigation. The GOP-controlled Senate acquitted the president, but not before Schiff delivered an emotional closing speech that even won grudging praise of some Republicans.

Schiff was elected again in 2021 to investigate another attack on democratic norms. He was part of the January 6 committee, which painstakingly detailed the extensive conspiracy by Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 election, culminating in the storming of the US Capitol to prevent Congress from formally declaring Trump's victory. Biden.

It's no surprise that Schiff is often tapped to take the lead on these high-profile efforts. His colleagues describe him as an incredibly intelligent and exceptionally skilled communicator who can get to the heart of an issue, an essential talent for gaining the support of his fellow legislators and the public at large.

Additionally, he is considered a team player, an expert in the art of compromise and someone who, despite the Trumpland smear, has the respect of lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. That's important for California. This is a large state with diverse regions that needs a senator committed to working with communities from the southern border to the sparsely populated counties in the north, whether red or blue, urban or rural.

Schiff, who has the support of more than 60% of the California House delegation, including former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, appears best suited to lead at the state level.

Lee (D-Oakland) has served in Congress for 25 years and his career has been marked by his willingness to cast politically difficult votes, including being the only member to vote against the war in Afghanistan after the 9/11 terrorist attack. September, a decision that seems wise in retrospect. He has demonstrated admirable leadership on reproductive freedom and human rights issues, including marriage equality and LGBTQ+ protections and criminal justice reform, long before those positions became pillars of the Democratic Party.

Porter (D-Irvine) was elected to the House in 2018 and quickly rose to prominence for her ability to focus on issues important to American consumers and for questioning corporate executives and government officials during oversight hearings. She has been pragmatic, solutions-oriented, and focused on making Congress and institutions better serve the American public.

Republicans in the race include former Dodger Steve Garvey and Los Angeles attorney Eric Early, a conservative and frequent candidate who is running for attorney general in 2022.

Garvey has no legislative experience and has never held public office. He declined an interview request from the editorial board, has so far not participated in public candidate forums, and your website he offers platitudes rather than positions, such as saying he will “take a stand against runaway inflation” and “lead the charge to ensure our laws are enforced.” The United States Senate is the main legislative league. Why should Californians want a rookie to represent them?

Schiff is a proven leader and the natural choice to represent California in the United States Senate.

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