World Hearing Day 2024: How to make hearing care a priority

published by: Nibandh Vinod

Last update: March 3, 2024, 07:05 IST

World Hearing Day is celebrated every year on March 3. (Image: Shutterstock)

World Hearing Day 2024 reflects the importance of hearing health and changing mindsets towards hearing loss. Check out the history, meaning, theme, and tips for making ear care a priority.

World Hearing Day, celebrated every year on March 3, raises awareness about how to avoid deafness and care for your hearing, encouraging people to receive treatment and support from their doctor to prevent deafness. The day is to make people understand the importance of hearing health and how it is as important as your overall health. The day also focuses on empowering people to take care of their hearing health.

History of World Hearing Day

In 1816, Laurent Clerc established the first institution for deaf students in the U.S. In 1870, teachers teaching through sign language accepted oral teaching at the Second International Congress on Deaf Education in Milan, Italy. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a public holiday to raise awareness of deafness on March 3, 2007, and in 2016 it was renamed World Hearing Day to World Hearing Day.

World Hearing Day 2024 Theme

This year, the theme for World Hearing Day is Changing Mindsets: Let's Make Ear and Hearing Care a Reality for Everyone! The WHO will raise awareness about the importance of safe listening to maintain good hearing power throughout life. It is possible to have good hearing throughout life by taking care of your ears and staying away from loud sounds that can cause you to lose your hearing.

According to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO: “Hearing loss has often been referred to as an “invisible disability,” not only because of the lack of visible symptoms, but because it has long been stigmatized in communities. and ignored by policies. creators.”

Importance of World Hearing Day

World Hearing Day aims to raise awareness about how to prevent hearing loss and take care of their ears. Encourage everyone to visit an ENT doctor for regular checkups to make sure their ears are healthy. Try to make them understand how important it is to take care of their ears and not to listen to loud music, headphones or earphones on for a long time, as they may be the reason for their hearing loss.

How to make ear care a priority

  1. Regular hearing checksEarly detection of hearing loss is essential to treat it effectively.
  2. Protecting your ears from loud noisesThis includes using earplugs at concerts or when using noisy machinery.
  3. Practice safe listening habitsLower the headphone volume and avoid prolonged exposure to loud sounds.
  4. Awareness of the impact of untreated hearing lossIt can affect social interactions, mental health, and overall well-being.
  5. Hearing Care AccessibilityHighlight the need for affordable and accessible hearing testing and treatment options.
  6. Fight stigmaAddress negative perceptions about hearing loss and hearing aids.
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