Women suffering from diabetes are prone to uterine cancer, according to ICMR

Endometrial cancer is a form of uterine cancer.

Women with type 2 diabetes are more likely to develop endometrial cancer.

Diabetes is one of the most common health problems that people face today. Feeling fatigued all the time, losing weight suddenly, and urinating frequently can be symptoms of diabetes. It is very important for middle-aged and older people to frequently check their blood sugar levels as untreated diabetes can lead to kidney infections, according to a study by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The ICMR recently mentioned that type 2 diabetes can increase the risk of getting endometrial cancer. Their study indicated that women with type 2 diabetes are more likely to develop endometrial cancer, which is a form of uterine cancer.

The study found that high blood sugar levels in diabetes could contribute to the growth and spread of cancer cells in the uterus. The study further mentioned that one of the main causes of diabetes is obesity and excess weight can affect the hormone production process, leading to higher insulin levels. This hormonal imbalance often leads to uncontrolled cell growth in the uterus that often turns cancerous, explained Dr Rajeev Gupta, Director of Internal Medicine at CK Birla Hospital, Delhi, in an interview. He further mentioned that obesity creates an environment in the body that greatly contributes to the growth of cancer cells.

The immune system is often weakened due to diabetes. This weak immune system and abnormal cell growth increase the chances of cancer. Other factors that can cause an increase in cancer cells are aging, smoking, and alcohol consumption.

Dr Priyanka Suhag, Consultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, CK Birla Hospital, Delhi, mentioned in an interview that it is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent the risk of cancer. Here are some key points:

Some key points:

  1. Try to maintain a healthy diet and exercise every day to maintain proper body weight.

  2. Include fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your daily diet, which helps maintain body weight.

  3. Try to do some physical activity every day to maintain good health.

  4. Follow your doctor's advice to control your body's sugar level.

  5. Check your blood pressure regularly and try to keep it within normal limits to avoid the risk of getting cancer.

Understanding the link between diabetes and endometrial cancer is very important to stay away from risky elements. Consult the doctor immediately if you face such symptoms.

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