Woman sparks debate over paying family members to babysit

Sometimes a normal part of having children is needing a last-minute babysitter, and a family member can be a good option.

Kaitlyn Wilson recently took to TikTok to share how surprised she was that family members were paid in some circumstances to care for their relatives. “I didn't even know someone would think of charging a family member to take care of their kids once in a while,” she captioned her video.

“I was telling someone the other day that I babysit my nephew for my sister, about once a week or whenever she needs it, and they were so surprised that I did it for free,” her clip began.

“Do other people's families here charge you to take care of their children for a few hours? That is absolutely absurd if they are.”

Wilson went on to explain why he offers his services for free.

“I have the opportunity to create a relationship with my nephew by taking care of him and being around him,” she said.

“The fact that other people feel like they should be paid to hang out with their nieces, nephews, grandkids… it's so confusing. And I swear, it will be those same adults at family parties who say, 'Oh my God, why doesn't so-and-so want to hug me or talk to me?' They don't know you, friend. I feel like it’s not that hard to show up and support the people in your family, especially if you live close to them.”

After her video was posted, it received over 300,000 views. However, some comments were divided between those who agreed with Wilson and those who had some conditions for his rule.

Some people agreed with Wilson's opinion and told their own stories about family members who even refused payment when it was offered.

“My mom, sisters, and MIL would throw themselves into oncoming traffic before accepting payment to babysit my son,” one comment read.

Another commenter agreed, writing: “It's not even just that he's my nephew, it's that he's my SISTER. Why would I ask my sister to repay me for a favor? “She would do the same for me.”

“I…help my sister with her three small children twice a week. People think I'm crazy. I am African, it is normal to help your brothers. Also, I love her,” wrote a third TikToker.

“My parents say they should pay me to let them take care of my son; a relationship is priceless,” said a fourth.

Others agreed that while it may not be necessary to pay your family members in all circumstances, there should be some form of payment.

“In general I agree, except with the older brothers. I beg you all to pay your teens to take care of them instead of raising them as parents,” one commenter wrote.

“We pay each other in candy and random errands,” another person pointed out by way of suggestion.

A third commenter said: “Yes. If it's consistent, I won't do a full-time job without pay. If it's a date night, free. But from Monday to Friday? That's a job.”

Another user agreed, writing, “I could see the payment if it was a set time, like MF all day, but otherwise it should be 'I help with this, you help with something I need.'”

The independent has contacted Wilson for comment.

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