Woman praised for complaining about aspect of work culture

Over the years, people have increasingly voiced their complaints about corporate work.

One woman, Lexie Firment, recently took to TikTok to discuss how strict “contract hours” can be and the consequences of leaving outside of those hours. “The work culture is very fun. Like you have a 50-year-old woman yelling at you because you left five minutes early,” she began the video of her.

He explained that he has had entire staff meetings dedicated to warning workers not to leave early. The concept didn't make sense to her, especially if all the required work was finished before the end of the required hours.

“Can we just have an adult-to-adult conversation about, if all my work is done, and there are three, even 10 minutes, 15 minutes left before I'm supposed to leave? I can `t go? she asked on TikTok.

Firment continued: “I wouldn't be doing anything anyway, I might as well get a head start on my commute, which, God knows, I have to live like 30 minutes from where I actually work because there's no affordable housing. .”

After its publication, the video received almost 300,000 views and many commenters agreed with its opinion.

“Corporate life is so passive-aggressive I hate it,” one commenter wrote.

Another person in the comments agreed, writing: “One of the hardest parts of graduating college and getting a full-time job was losing all sense of personal freedom when it came to getting work done… as if went back to the second grade. ?”

“I FELT THIS. All I'm going to do is sit here staring at a wall…why does it matter? Literal loss of life,” wrote a third commenter.

However, not everyone shared the TikToker's point of view, with one commenter suggesting the problem was a lack of communication on Firment's part. “Maybe let your manager know you'd like to leave early,” they wrote.

“Girl, you really have to tell them this. One day I sat down with them and told them very firmly that they would not treat me like a child and that work has been a piece of cake since then,” said another.

This isn't the first time someone has spoken openly about work culture in corporate America.

A TikToker with the username @later_kates took to the platform to share what her employer's response was when she informed them that her brother had died.

In her video, she is seen looking at her computer monitor in tears as the text on the screen reads: “Work: I'm sorry your brother died. Take all the time you need, we have a generous 3-day bereavement package.”

Shortly after posting it, TikTok received over four million views, with many people leaving comments about how bad they felt for her and what her own company's policy is.

“American companies are unforgiving. “It’s inhumane,” one comment read.

Another commenter agreed, writing: “'Take all the time you need' even if you have a time requirement. “I’m so sorry, sending you love.”

“I had a family pass and was penalized for performance issues because I couldn't stop crying at my desk. It's incredible how they treat us. “I’m so sorry,” read a third comment.

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