Why tomatoes are essential in your daily diet

Tomatoes are beneficial for heart health.

From salads, chutneys to curries, tomatoes are ubiquitous in our home kitchen.

Tomatoes not only add flavor to food, but they can also be excellent for your health. Yes, tomatoes have some magical nutrients that can fight cholesterol problems. Its benefits will surprise you. As soon as the rainy season arrives, tomato prices inflate. Its prices are increasing rapidly and right now it has reached a whopping Rs 50 per kg. In the coming days, tomatoes are likely to become more expensive. Tomatoes are an incredibly versatile vegetable that almost cannot be missing in Indian cuisine. From salads, chutneys to curries, tomatoes are ubiquitous in our home kitchen.

Do you know the medicinal properties of tomato?

Many health problems can be stopped or controlled by eating tomatoes. The Cleveland Clinic, which is a center of modern medicine, has published a report stating that tomatoes contain nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium and folic acid. Tomatoes are also full of 94.8 g/100 g of water. They have a negligible amount of fat. They are also a great source of antioxidants. Consuming them raw can generate enormous health benefits. It is believed that drinking tomato juice regularly can help lower cholesterol. Consuming tomatoes in the rainy season can help boost immunity.

Tomatoes are also considered beneficial for heart health. According to researchers, tomatoes are rich in a nutrient called lycopene.

Lycopene is a substance that can be very effective in reducing the risk of heart disease. Tomato helps reduce inflammation in the body. Components such as phenolic compounds, beta-carotene and vitamin C make tomatoes anti-inflammatory. These reduce the risk of chronic diseases. They can be a remedy for patients with high cholesterol. A study revealed that bad cholesterol can be controlled to a large extent by drinking tomato juice regularly.

Numerous studies have shown that tomatoes are an excellent immune system booster. It is rich in vitamin C, which is beneficial for our immune system. Consuming them during the rainy season can reduce the risk of infection. The nutrients present in them also reduce the risk of cancer. According to experts, tomatoes can also be effective in preventing infertility. People who have kidney or gallbladder stones should avoid tomatoes. This is because the presence of oxalates in them is known to aggravate the problems of kidney stone patients.

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