Why is World Pharmacist Day celebrated on September 25? History, meaning, wishes and quotes

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The theme for World Pharmacist Day 2024 is Pharmacists: Meeting the Global Health Needs. (Image: Shutterstock)

The concept of World Pharmacist Day arose from an effort to recognize the vital role that pharmacists play in improving the quality of patient care.

World Pharmacist Day is celebrated every year on 25 September to value and highlight the contributions of pharmacists to global health systems. The day aims to raise awareness about the crucial roles and responsibilities that pharmacists play in improving the health and safety of patients, as well as the overall well-being of society.

History of World Pharmacist Day

This date has significant historical significance as it marks the anniversary of the formation of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) in 1912. The FIP Council formally recognised World Pharmacists Day in 2009 at a conference in Istanbul, Turkey, to enhance public understanding of the contributions of pharmacists to global healthcare.

The World Pharmacist Day initiative arose from the desire to recognize the essential role that pharmacists play in improving the quality of patient care and the health of the population.

Happy World Pharmacist Day wishes

Happy World Pharmacist Day! Thank you for your dedication to promoting the safe and proper use of medicines.

To all the dedicated pharmacists out there: you enrich lives and improve healthcare with your knowledge and compassion. Happy World Pharmacist Day!

Happy World Pharmacist Day! Your professionalism and dedication make a difference every day.

It is our honour to pay tribute to the wonders of pharmacy on this great day and to recognise the role the profession plays in healthcare at large. Happy World Pharmacist Day!

Happy Pharmacist's Day to all pharmacists: thank you for always being there to help us stay healthy and safe!

World Pharmacist Day Quotes

  • “Water, air and cleanliness are the principal articles of my pharmacy.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
  • “It is easy to get a thousand recipes, but difficult to get a single remedy.” – Chinese proverb
  • “Today, more than ever, pharmacists have a responsibility to ensure that when a patient uses a medicine, it does not cause harm.” – Dominique Jordan, FIP President
  • “Poisons and medicines are often the same substance administered with different intentions.” – Peter Mere Latham
  • “Laugh whenever you can. It’s cheap medicine.” – Lord Byron.

Importance of World Pharmacist Day

  1. RecognitionRecognizes that pharmacists are vital in managing medications and providing advice to patients while collaborating with other health professionals.
  2. AwarenessThe day promotes public understanding of the responsibilities of pharmacists, which include advocating for the rational use of medicines.
  3. Annual ThemesEach year focuses on an overarching theme that explores various aspects of pharmacy practice. For example, the 2023 theme was “Pharmacy: Strengthening Health Systems,” which aimed to showcase pharmacists’ contributions to improving healthcare systems in the wake of COVID-19. The theme for World Pharmacist Day 2024 is “Pharmacists: Meeting the World’s Health Needs.”

World Pharmacist Day Activities

  • Express appreciation to community pharmacists through words of gratitude.
  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of pharmacists in workshops, especially in the context of global health crises.
  • Use social media to communicate with the public, allowing pharmacists to share valuable health information and tips.
  • Participate in the provision of health services, such as consultations or health checks at community fairs.
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