Why Dermatologists Recommend Patch Testing to Prevent Skin Care Allergies

Before using any new product on your skin, do a patch test.

The easiest way to avoid burning and itching sensations after using any new product is to perform a patch test on your skin.

Applying new makeup or skin care products can sometimes cause burning and itching sensations. Sometimes these become so severe that one is afraid to buy any product again or use any type of remedy. The easiest way to avoid these types of problems is to perform a skin patch test. This method helps determine whether a product is suitable for your skin or not and allows you to identify possible allergic reactions before fully applying it to the body.

Nava Greenfield, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at Schweiger Dermatology Group in New York City, said, “Generally speaking, a patch test is when you apply a product or ingredient to a small area of ​​skin and observe the reaction. the skin”.

What is a patch test?

According to Medical News Today, products used for skin care are made up of several ingredients. In such a situation, it can sometimes cause irritation or allergies on a person's skin. With this method, a test is performed by applying a small amount of the product to a small area of ​​skin, such as the hands, and observing the reaction. This simple and effective method can reveal if the product may cause sensitivity or allergic reactions.

How to identify an allergy?

If a patch test produces a rash, dryness, dullness, itching, burning sensation, blisters or swelling on the skin, then it indicates that the product is not suitable for your skin and is causing skin allergies. If none of the signs appear on the skin, you can purchase that product for future use.


Before purchasing any product, try using it on your skin for a patch test. Clean the skin area with a cleanser and pat it dry before performing the patch test, and try applying a small amount to your wrist, behind your ear, or on your neck. If you feel any kind of itching, burning or redness after a while, do not use the product as it is not suitable for your skin.

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