Did the videos of the social networks of Pickles, Pickles and Glickles (Pickles with edible brightness) make lovers of pickles outside all of us during the pandemic? Or Tiktok simply gave existing pickup heads a new exit so that our pipinillos flags fly high and wide? The collective obsession of Pepinillos today was probably caused by a bit of both.
If the largest pickup party of Big Dill World was one thing when I was younger, it would have been better than Disneyland. For not initiated, it is an annual pickle appreciation festival that began in Baltimore in 2019. This year, there are planned events for Dallas and Baltimore. Imagine pickles and in offerings that include pizza and egg rolls, a world pickle dining room championship, bride chug chug and unlimited pickle sampling.
The owner of Kaylin and Kaylin + Kaylin, Scott Kaylin, poses with a pickled in his store within the original farmers market.
(Courtesy of Kaylin + Kaylin)
“I think social networks simply exposed all lovers of pickles,” says Scott Kaylin, owner of Kaylin + Kaylin Pickle Shop and a restaurant pickles in the original farmers market. “Obviously, some new ones are creating, but I think, in general, there have always been Pickle lovers, and social networks are only exposing lovers of pickles to different things.”
Kaylin + Kaylin has almost 2 million likes on Tiktok and thousands of followers. It is also one of the most frequented suppliers in the original farmers market, with customers that are aligned for the $ 3 pickles flight in the tasting bar. Choose five flavors, then throw your sample spears with a small selection of wood. I tend to sample the spicy garlic dill, the spicy radish and the spicy honey mustard with each visit.
The flight was actually a specific business model of the pandemic that became a great marketing ploying for Kaylin, who opened his business of pickles approximately one month before the Covid-19 closures of 2020.

A stack of topwickens of top -of pickups in the original farmers market.
(Kaylin + Kaylin)
“I went to the Department of Health and told them it was an essential business,” he says. “They told me that I could remain open, but I couldn't try.”
Offering buyers samples of free pickles is how Kaylin attracted most of its new customers.
“I thought, how did it work?” He says. “If I believe a dish, it is not a sample. I took the opposite of the Costco model and was probably the first person to charge people by samples. “
Last year, he sold 43,000 pickup flights. I was personally responsible for 30 of them.
In August, it opened a space of 200 square feet near the north end of the market. The business was directly inspired by the pickle creations that sees on social networks, offering pickles of pickles, chips of pickles dressed like nachos and flights of mini boats stuffed with pickles.
As expected, the flight of mini pepinillos boats is the best -selling article of Kaylin. And the people of Pickle Topping gravitate at most are flamino 'hot cheetos.
On a recent visit, I ask for a flight with a cream cheese, Lox and everything in Bael Condiment Pepin Boat; A tuna salad pickled boat and peanut butter and a Nutella boat with crushed pretzels. The latter is exactly how it is announced, with a soft and hazelnut butter of chocolate, becoming one in the center of a cucumber collected with salty pretzels, collapsed on the top. I shouldn't work, but it does. Complete dissemination: when I was 5 years old, I told my parents that I wanted to live in Pickle Land, a place where I dreamed where the inhabitants ate all kinds of pickles for breakfast, lunch, dinner and all snacks.

A selection of pickled ships and chips loaded with soaking pickups in the original farmers market.
(Eddie Sánchez)
My endless search to fall more deeply in the burrow of the pickle rabbit that is the angels took me to the bar in the delicatessen of Belle's Delicatessen, Nick Schreiber and JD Rocchio became Jewish Deli in Highland Park. Here, you can ask for a horse Martini (a complete sour in the form of Martini) and take it next to a dish of fried pickles.
“The fried pickles themselves are a kind of drink to drink,” says Schreiber. “In a Deli Jew you eat pickles, but fried pickles are something we had rarely seen in the Delicatessen sphere.”
Belle fried pickles do not shrink in dry and wrinkled raisins in the fryer. There is not too much dough and does not separate from the cucumber. Schreiber uses a mixture of cornmeal and tapioca flour to create a light and crunchy golden housing that fuses each pickled chip. And is using a cucumber with high grades of nostalgia for any angelne.
After trying dozens of pickups for the dish, he and Rocchio decided on a pickle pickle pickle Co., which is actually a division of beef in Vienna.
Belle's Delicatessen fried pickles in Highland Park.
(Jenn Harris / Los Angeles Times)
“His was the best we tried with a long shot,” says Schreiber. “One of my representatives told me that the pickles of all of garlic in the famous jerry deli were these pickles and I said:” I gave less. “”
The fried pickles are finished with a pinch of ground alcaravea seeds, which gives each salted and acid chip some deep and spicy notes that will bring their favorite toasted rye rye bread. On the one hand, there is a ranch full of so many onion flavors derived as Schreiber could handle, including green onion and onion dust.
And the portion of lemon on the plate is not just a beautiful garnish.
“In fact, we encourage people to tighten the lemon about the pickups so we call the Kosher Calamar Effect,” says Schreiber. “Between cornmeal, lemon and salty acidity, it is giving squid.”
In the location of Fat & Flour in Culver City, there is evidence of the love of the owner Nicole Rucker for the pickups throughout the bakery and the market. Enter ornaments hang from an exhibition during the holidays, there are jars of pickles in the refrigerator to buy and pickled hats. A sticker for the bumper says: “I prefer to be inclined on the sink eating a bottle of pickles.”
“Last year, Pickles began to grow in popularity on the Internet,” says Rucker. “Everything became content of Pickle Girl. I am not really sure who started that, but became pickup again in the spirit in a different way. “
In January, she created the pickle Bagel.
The fat & flour cucumbus bael in Culver City.
(Jenn Harris / Los Angeles Times)
“We began to offer this Bagel menu and the first mind, it was my love for pickles,” she says. “I really like pickles and I thought it would be better than normal cream cheese. If we put on the cream cheese. And it was very good. “
The Pepinillos Bagel is built on a Bag of Pan Jyan Isaac of his choice, toasted until both the lower and the upper part are crispy. It is stained with a beaten cream cheese that has been mixed with dill, a little fresh garlic, chopped pickles and a touch of pickled juice. A sliced cucumber tape extends over each half with more dill, a little sea salt and red pepper flakes.
You get the bite of a good pickles with the freshness of raw cucumber on one of the best bars in the city, aerated and crispy.
The first iteration of the Pickle Bagel was made using a brand called Hot Girl Pickles.
“We change to use cricket pickles in cream cheese because hot girls pickles are not available to use at this time,” says Rucker. “If I were not using Grillo's, I would use the bubbies, which are also very good. I am entertaining new pickles. “
My interview centered on Pickle with Rucker ended with the two sailing for Merch on a website in which he gave me called Faire. I have my eye on a marker of pickups and stickers that said: “Only a girl who loves the pickles.”
“Life is hell,” she says. “But there are still fun things. “
I could not agree more. And for those who could appreciate such statistics, the words “pickle” and “pickles” appear a total of 75 times in this column.
Where to let your pickle flag fly
Kaylin + Kaylin, 6333 W. 3rd St., Space 228, Los Angeles, (323) 297-3339, www.kaylinandkaylin.com
Topped, 6333 W. 3rd St., Space 622, Los Angeles, (323) 297-3339, www.kaylinandkaylin.com/pages/topped
Belle's Delicatessen and Bar, 5022 York Blvd., Los Angeles, (323) 739-6336, www.bellesbagels.com
Fat + flour, 11739 Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, (310) 437-0040, www.fatandflourla.com