When was the last time you said “only in LA”? We want to know

There's no place in the world quite like Los Angeles. If you've spent any time in this diverse and vibrant city, chances are you've got a few stories under your belt that could only have happened here.

Here are two favorites from my own life:

Several years ago, my husband and his parents took my 8-year-old son to a magic shop (my son was very interested in magic at the time). I called my husband afterward to ask how it went. “David Arquette bought him a magic set,” he said. I don’t think I heard him right.

But when I asked him to repeat what he had said, it turned out that he had. Arquette, who was a regular customer at the store, overheard the salesman talking to my son about magic and added a large magic set to his own purchases which he left on the counter for my son.

The next story is even stranger. My first dog's foster mother asked me to accompany her to the Bodhi Tree (an iconic New Age bookstore in West Hollywood that has since closed) to hear a lecture by a chiropractor who claimed to have received healing powers after an encounter with an alien. The chiropractor passed his power on to my dog's foster mother, and she passed it on to me so I could provide healing for my aging dog.

Only in Los Angeles!

Now it's your turn. Submit your best story that only happened in Los Angeles below (300 words or less), including your full name and email address so we can contact you if we publish it.

Thank you for sharing and we look forward to reading your stories!

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