When is International Youth Day 2024 celebrated? Date, theme, history, meaning and celebration

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International Youth Day is celebrated on August 12. (Image: Shutterstock)

The theme for International Youth Day 2024 is From clicks to progress: digital pathways for youth to sustainable development.

Every year on 12 August, International Youth Day is celebrated, a special occasion dedicated to recognising the potential, achievements and contributions of young people around the world. This day not only serves to highlight the challenges faced by young people, but also to celebrate their role as essential partners in building a better future.

From driving digital innovation to championing social causes, today’s youth are at the forefront of change and making their mark on every aspect of society. On this International Youth Day, let’s delve deeper into the theme, history, meaning and different ways to celebrate this day.

Theme for International Youth Day 2024

The theme of this year’s event is “From Clicks to Progress: Digital Pathways for Youth to Sustainable Development.”

The digital age is transforming our world and provides unique opportunities to accelerate sustainable development. Digital technologies, such as mobile devices, services and artificial intelligence, play a crucial role in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Young people are at the forefront of digital adoption and innovation. However, disparities exist, especially in low-income countries and among young women, who often have less access to the Internet and digital skills than their male counterparts.

While digital inclusion needs to be improved, young people are generally seen as digital natives who use technology to drive change and create solutions. As the 2030 deadline for the SDGs approaches, the role of young people in digital innovation is crucial to addressing global issues.

History of International Youth Day

In 1965, the General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Promotion among Youth of the Ideals of Peace, Mutual Respect and Understanding among Peoples in its resolution 2037. From 1965 to 1975, the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council emphasized three main themes in the field of youth: participation, development and peace. The need for an international youth policy was also highlighted.

In 1979, the General Assembly designated 1985 as the International Year of Youth: Participation, Development and Peace through resolution 34/151. In 1985, the Assembly adopted guidelines for further planning and appropriate follow-up in the field of youth through resolution 40/14.

In December 2009, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 64/134, proclaiming the year beginning 12 August 2010 as the International Year of Youth. It called on governments, civil society, individuals and communities around the world to support local and international activities to mark the event. The Year coincided with the 25th anniversary of the first International Year of Youth, held in 1985.

Importance of International Youth Day

International Youth Day is celebrated every year on 12 August to highlight issues affecting youth and celebrate their potential as partners in today's global society. Here are five points that underline its importance:

  1. AwarenessBrings youth issues to the attention of the international community.
  2. RecognitionCelebrate the potential of young people as essential contributors to society.
  3. CommitmentEncourages young people to take active roles in their communities.
  4. DialoguePromotes intergenerational understanding and collaboration.
  5. ActionInspires initiatives and activities that address youth-related challenges.

International Youth Day 2024: How to celebrate it

According to the UN, there are several ways to celebrate International Youth Day:

  1. Educational radio programContact popular local or national radio stations to discuss youth contributions with distinguished individuals and young people.
  2. Public meeting or debateOrganize virtual or in-person meetings to discuss youth contributions to global issues.
  3. Round tablesPromote intergenerational understanding through discussions between adults and young people.
  4. Youth ForumExchange ideas and discuss cultural backgrounds to help young people accept others and popularize a culture of non-violence.
  5. Virtual concertPromote International Youth Day and the launch of the Year by inviting local musicians and combining the event with a panel discussion or keynote speech by a politician or policymaker.
  6. Information pointEstablish information points on youth-related topics in central locations, such as city centres, high schools or universities.
  7. ExhibitionOrganize art exhibitions that showcase the challenges young people face today or how they contribute to development. Involve young people in culture, arts and music to raise awareness about youth-related issues.
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