What’s in fashion for 2024? Check-in and check-out lists, apparently.

Oversized bags, silver jewelry, and gardening are all the rage. Quiet luxury, podcasts and staying up late are in. That’s at least according to Instagram and TikTok, where lists abounded confidently declaring which trends will thrive and which will die in the new year as the clock struck midnight on Sunday.

The dead week between Christmas and the new year has always been conducive to introspection, hours normally spent working or socializing suddenly freed up for regrets, rethinking bad habits or planning a comeback. But instead of making traditional New Year’s resolutions, many TikTok and Instagram users have begun posting “in and out” lists that combine predictions of what will and won’t be considered interesting in the coming year with aspirations for themselves. themselves in 2024.

“I feel like New Year’s resolutions are very personal, and a check-in and check-out list is a more specific general statement,” said Lukas Battle, comedian and TikTok personality. “It’s also a way to poke fun at last year’s self and set a goal. For example: OUT: being in a toxic relationship, IN: going out with friends and going to dinner.”

Check-in and check-out lists are unique to their creators and incorporate personal tastes and beliefs, a sense of humor, and informed (or uninformed) predictions to create a vision for the year ahead. Some items on the list are actual fashion or cultural trends, like animal prints or espresso martinis, while others are more behaviorally oriented. Common benefits for 2024 include going to bed early, staying hydrated and red light therapy, while impulse shopping, mindless scrolling on your phone and vaping are popular options.

Kit Keenan, an influencer who describes herself as “a young Martha Stewart caught up in the Blair Waldorf plot,” last week posted a video on TikTok in which she interviews her mother, fashion designer Cynthia Rowley, about what is “In vs. Out” in the world. New Year. The consensus? Knee-high socks, prep school, and animal prints are all the rage; Capri pants are decidedly out. “If you’re not Bella Hadid, I don’t want to see you in capris,” Keenan declared.

In his own list of Ins and Outs, Battle anticipated the end of “quiet luxury,” the trend in which wealth is telegraphed by stealth. Instead, he aims to replace it with a “noisy budget,” which he says is about “not being weird with money, being able to communicate it to your friends and really say, ‘I don’t want to do that.’ I don’t think it’s worth my money or my time.’”

Mandy Lee, a professional trend forecaster who has predicted the rise of phenomena like indie sleaze and balletcore, also made a list of ins and outs, which she posted on her Instagram account. For her, lists are less about making serious, informed predictions about trends and more about low-stakes fun with friends and followers.

“It feels more like a personal statement from people than something they really believe will be a trend,” Ms. Lee said. “I put deviled eggs on my list because I made them on New Year’s. Do I think the delivered eggs are going to resurface? Honestly, maybe, but there is no real data or evidence to indicate that will happen.”

Certain themes have appeared on multiple in and out lists, which may give at least an idea of ​​what people think will be cool in 2024. Minimalism, for example, clearly stands out, swapped out for wild animal prints , bold and huge colors. logos. Buns, the sartorial embodiment of the youth trend, are also disappearing, along with Snapchat, oversharing and the clean-girl aesthetic. what’s up? Sobriety, putting your phone on Do Not Disturb mode, polka dots, cherry red, dinner parties, repeating outfits, having a nemesis, and drinking soda, to name a few.

Some things seem to go in and out at the same time. Perhaps no item is more controversial on this year’s In and Out lists than oat milk, which appears on as many In as Out lists. But Battle says there’s no gray area here. “Oh, oat milk is definitely out,” he said. “It was published because someone at a party told me it was unhealthy.”

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