What secrets does Paris keep in its catacombs?

In 1130 the cemetery became the main cemetery of the city.

The Paris Catacombs are underground ossuaries that house the remains of more than six million people.

One of the most romantic places in the world, Paris is the go-to destination for all lovers. It is also known for its excellent food and wine experience and is an ideal place for your luxury shopping. The City of Lights attracts fashionistas, art lovers and food enthusiasts from around the world to delve into its elite wealth and embrace the city's vibe. But who knew that the underground space of this romantic destination would be filled with the true horrors of its past?

The Paris Catacombs are underground ossuaries (containers or rooms in which the bones of the dead are placed) in Paris, France, housing the remains of more than six million people. Many centuries earlier, instead of burying the dead far from residential locations, settlements began with cemeteries near the center.

In 1130 the cemetery became the main cemetery of the city, which by the end of the century was filled with corpses. To make room for more burials, the oldest corpses had to be exhumed and then their bones were packed into the ceiling and walls of the cemetery galleries. In the 18th century, the central cemetery was 6.6 feet high and filled with dead Parisians along with the remains of a hospital and a morgue.

The solution to this was to use the nearby mine. In 1786, human bones were collected from all the sites and taken to the underground mine. The nightly processions of carts carrying human bones from all the deposits in the city were collected, covered and taken to this mine. It was reportedly carried out secretly without the outside world knowing. Then, all these skeletons were lined up against the walls of the catacombs.

What was built as an immediate solution to a complex problem quickly became a place of attraction that left many curious. At the beginning of the 19th century it received numerous visitors and also became a venue for concerts and private events. After reconstruction and renovations, it was reopened to the public again in 1874. If you are looking for some excitement and want to experience the horrors of the city's past, then you must visit the catacombs.

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