What does the 11-minute workout that the King does to stay in shape consist of?

The King reportedly wants to continue his daily exercise routine alongside his outpatient cancer treatment, aides have said.

According to The Times, Charles still plans to attend his daily red boxes of government documents and hold weekly audiences with the Prime Minister, even if it has to be done virtually.

The King has reportedly been following the 5BX exercise regimen for the past decade.

What does 5BX entail?

Plan 5BX (also known as the Five Basic Exercises) was devised by Dr. Bill Orban for the Royal Canadian Air Force in the late 1950s.

“The training consists of five different basic exercises, four calisthenics and one cardio; these include stretches, sit-ups, back extensions, push-ups and running,” said Harry Wilkinson, training expert at Bulk.

“The plan is made up of six graphs arranged in increasing order of difficulty. Each box is made up of the aforementioned exercises that are performed in 11 minutes. The five basic exercises remain the same in all tables, but more difficult variations are introduced and the number of repetitions increases.

“The board is designed so that you advance through the levels until you reach the appropriate one for your age. The first few levels can be very easy, however, as you go up, it will be much more physically exhausting.”

What are the potential benefits?

According to Lee Mitchell, personal trainer at Jogger, for a senior, the 5BX Plan offers several advantages.

“First, its emphasis on basic movements targets key muscle groups, helping to improve strength, flexibility and balance, which are crucial for maintaining mobility and preventing injuries as one ages,” said.

“Second, the gradual progression of the program allows seniors to start at a manageable level and safely increase intensity as they build strength and endurance, mitigating the risk of overexertion or strain.

“Additionally, the convenience and simplicity of the exercises make them accessible to older adults who may have limited time, space, or access to specialized equipment, allowing them to effectively incorporate physical activity into their daily routine and promote health and well-being. general”.

Sarah Spence, personal trainer and online coach, agreed, saying the connection between muscles and mind is key.

“It's about knowing where you're supposed to feel the tension in your muscles. Can you feel your abs working when you do crunches? The muscle-mind connection is about your body telling you if you are doing the exercise right or wrong, it can be a very good guide. If doing an exercise hurts, you're doing it wrong,” Spence said.

Can it help you achieve your fitness goals?

Penny Westen, nutrition, wellbeing and fitness expert and director of Moddershall Oaks Country Spa Retreat, reckons the 5BX fitness plan is a tough workout, especially if you've been inactive for a while, but it's worth it and ideal for anyone. person. He's looking to get in shape and doesn't have much free time.

“It's very similar to most HIIT classes we see now, so not much has changed,” said Westen, who is also the founder of the MADE wellness center and MADE on demand, an online wellness platform.

“However, there are a few other exercises I would include, such as glute bridges, which are a great way to build glute strength but also core stability. He would also say that stretching before and after exercise is just as important as the workout itself, and with quick HIIT workouts, many people can forget about this.

“However, it depends on what your fitness goals are. To lose weight, you'll need to do about 60 minutes of fairly intense activity a day and keep your calories under control. Of course, this will vary depending on your diet, weight and age.

“You can dedicate two days to resistance training, allowing the muscles to tone. To build muscle, you should focus on two muscle groups per session and not work the same muscles two days in a row, as you want to give them time to recover.

“For general fitness, if your goal is endurance or burning calories, I recommend three days of cardio and two of strength training. If your goal is to build strength, you can reverse it. You can also change it every week.”

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