What are the rules of the 6-second kiss and the 20-second hug?

Hugging increases oxytocin levels in your body.

The 6-second kiss rule was coined by John Gottman, a marriage and family therapist, author, and researcher who co-founded the Gottman Institute with his wife.

In today's fast-paced life, we are constantly trying to keep our professional and personal relationships on track. Both are interdependent on each other and can affect both fronts. Every relationship has several ups and downs. People are always eager to find shortcuts even in dating and relationships. They adopt various tricks to keep their relationship strong and happy. In such a situation, there are two rules that are widely believed to be responsible for increasing love in the relationship. It's called the 6-second kiss rule and the 20-second hug rule. According to the former, the couple should kiss for six seconds, while the hug should last for 20 seconds, said renowned psychiatrist Dr Sagar Mudhra.

The 6-second kiss rule was coined by John Gottman, a marriage and family therapist, author, and researcher who co-founded the Gottman Institute with his wife, clinical psychologist Julie Schwartz Gottman. Through surveys and studies he determined that small gestures to show love throughout the day have a big impact on a couple's long-term happiness and success. The 6 second rule has numerous benefits.

Increased oxytocin

The hormone oxytocin is released during kissing. This increases mutual trust, connection and affection between the couple. Gottman says this 6-second rule doesn't mean that a person doesn't need to count the time in his hand, but rather that he needs to make sure people connect in meaningful ways every day.

Stress reduction

When you kiss your partner for about 6 seconds, the hormone responsible for stress, namely cortisol, can be reduced. This makes you feel calmer and happier. Helps strengthen the relationship. Long kisses deepen the emotional connection.

20 second hug rule

The 20-second hug rule is that every time you hug your partner, hug them for at least 20 seconds. This will have positive benefits on your relationship. It will also help increase oxytocin levels in your body similar to kissing. When you hug your partner for a long time, your blood pressure also decreases.

Hugging your partner for a long time also brings you psychological benefits. This gives your partner a feeling of security and support. This reduces mental stress and increases emotional stability. Long, regular hugs can strengthen the immune system. Expressing your love to your partner from time to time not only brings you emotional benefits but is also very important for your physical and mental health.

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