Visit these 6 less-crowded European towns the next time you travel to faraway lands

Explore Europe's hidden treasures to discover its undiscovered beauty and tranquillity.

Go beyond Europe's bustling capitals and discover its charming villages, each with its own special fusion of art, history and environment.

Planning a trip to Europe often involves visiting top locations that promise an incredible experience as well as state-of-the-art infrastructure. However, beyond the cities, there are some spectacular towns and landscapes that are still unknown to most tourists. Whether you love history, nature or art, Europe has something for everyone. Let's take a look at the towns in Europe that offer unforgettable experiences and the chance to visit less-crowded places in foreign lands.

Tellaro, Italy

Tellaro Italy the local secret village

The village is situated on the Golfo dei Poeti, which owes its name to poets and literary figures such as Lord Byron and DH Lawrence. The difficult terrain and a small harbour have prevented Tellaro from being inundated with visitors.

Guimarães, Portugal

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The town of Guimarães in Portugal is famous for being the birthplace of the country's first king, Afonso Henriques, in the early 12th century. It's the perfect place to visit if you're a history buff. The town is packed with exceptional examples of Portuguese architecture dating back 600 years.

Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

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The town, with its chalet-style houses and small churches, is beautiful in its own right. But what really stands out is the natural surroundings: imposing rock faces, mountain peaks, flowery meadows and some of the highest free-flowing waterfalls in Europe.

Bibury, England

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Bibury, one of the most picturesque villages, is surrounded by green meadows and medieval stone houses with steeply pitched roofs. The River Coln, which runs through the village, is the most picturesque spot.

Hallstatt, Austria

A small town in Austria with 10,000 hikers

One of the oldest continuously inhabited towns in Europe, Hallstatt is a picturesque town nestled in the Austrian Alps. Its picturesque lakeside and ancient Austrian structures are well-known. Winter sports enthusiasts will enjoy this place as it also boasts some of the best skiing and snowboarding in the area.

Giethoorn, Netherlands

How to visit Giethoorn, Holland, a charming town without roads or cars

Giethoorn offers a respite from city life and tranquillity to those who simply want to relax. Instead of roads, this car-free Dutch community features long canals, so boats are the main means of transport. Thatched cottages and cottages adorned with flower gardens are also one of the main attractions of the village. The wooden bridges connecting each green area are a unique feature. During winter, you can also skate on the surface of the canal.

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