Universal Music Group executive collaborates with Dharavi hip-hop school Dream Project, amplifying young talent

A Global Music executive is committed to community empowerment in Dharavi.

Adam Granite, representing Universal Music Group, visits The Dharavi Dream Project After School of Hip-Hop in Mumbai, emphasizing the transformative power of music education.

The Dharavi Dream Project After School of Hip-Hop was honored to receive a special visit from Adam Granite, CEO Africa, Middle East and Asia (“AMEA”) of Universal Music Group, at their facility located in the heart of Dharavi . (India's largest slum), Mumbai.

Adam Granite's visit to The Dharavi Dream Project After School of Hip-Hop symbolizes an important milestone in the ongoing partnership between Universal Music Group, India and the Dharavi Dream Project community. The After School of Hip-Hop, a pioneering initiative in Dharavi, provides young people with opportunities for artistic expression and skill development through hip-hop culture.

Speaking about how initiatives like the Daravi Dream Project have contributed to broader goals of social impact and community development with this visit, Adam Granite, CEO Africa, Middle East and Asia (“AMEA”), Universal Music Group, said: “ I think if you can engage kids in a positive way, especially after school when they might be finding less productive uses of their time, you're really helping a community develop. “I think the fact that it's tied to hip-hop and music is something, personally and for all of us at Universal, incredibly important and valuable.”

During his visit, Adam Granite had the opportunity to interact with students, mentors and staff members of The Dharavi Dream Project, and witnessed first-hand the impact of hip-hop education on the lives of youth in the community.

“Supporting initiatives like the Dharavi Dream Project aims to uplift communities and fuel the dreams of future artists. I was honored to witness firsthand the tangible impact of Universal Music's collaboration with this visionary project. We look forward to seeing the bright future it is creating for these talented people.” Adam Granite.

Their presence epitomized Universal Music Group's commitment to supporting initiatives that empower artists and communities around the world.

As CEO, he addressed his long-term mission for the Daravi Dream Project, which is to empower youth and foster creativity across cultural landscapes. He said: “I think it's fascinating and fun for me to see the common thread between geographies, cultures and languages ​​around the world. There is a spirit of diversity. There is a hip-hop spirit that exists here in this challenging environment, as found in other challenging environments around the world. And it is that pulse and energy that connects children. It is an energy. And when you can turn it into something positive, I think you can really have a very strong local impact.”

Speaking about a decade-long association, TDDP's original co-founder and President and CEO of India and South Asia, and Senior Vice President of Strategy for Asia, Middle East and Africa (AMeA) at Universal Music Group, Devraj Sanyal added: “The talent pool at TDDP is incredible and our executive team there, led by Dolly Rateshwar, is also incredible and has been leading India's number one #MusicForSocialGood initiative with the greatest combination of heart and passion I have ever seen and we wish them all the success. Grow this to a huge size and have a future superstar emerge from the only #AfterSchoolOfHiphop that exists anywhere in the world.”

“We were delighted to welcome Adam Granite to The Dharavi Dream Project After School of Hip-Hop,” said Dolly Rateshwar, Director and Co-Founder of The Dharavi Dream Project. “His visit not only recognizes the importance of our long-standing partnership with Universal Music Group, but also reflects Universal Music Group's commitment to fostering creativity and nurturing talent in diverse communities around the world.”

Meanwhile, Dharavi Dream Project After School of Hip-Hop is a pioneering initiative located in the heart of Dharavi, Mumbai. Dedicated to hip-hop education and artistic empowerment, the school offers a safe, inclusive space for young people to explore their creative potential and develop essential life skills.

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