Treadmill vs. Walking: Which Should You Choose for Your Busy Schedule?

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Treadmill vs. Walking, which is better for our health? (representative image)

Walking is one of the most beneficial exercises and reduces the risk of many diseases. Now the question is: is it better to walk briskly or walk on a treadmill?

Walking is often a recommended activity for maintaining good health, and it is said that the goal should be to walk 10,000 steps a day. Unlike walking on a treadmill, outdoor walking does not require special equipment or a specific location. Previously, people had no choice but to walk regularly due to lack of transportation, but modern conveniences have led to a decline in walking and an increase in related health problems.

As a result, walking has become even more important for maintaining health. Research suggests that brisk walking can significantly reduce the risks of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

Experts recommend walking or jogging whenever possible. However, many people are now turning to treadmills available at gyms. According to a report by, physical activities involving walking outdoors compared to walking on a treadmill are quite similar, although there are some key differences.

When you walk outdoors, you are faced with air pressure, which requires greater effort from the body.

In contrast, a treadmill has no air pressure, which produces a more consistent effort on a flat surface.

That's why walking outdoors may be more effective for weight loss. Walking outdoors also offers more health benefits. The terrain is often uneven, and walking on trails or slopes presents additional challenges.

Additionally, being surrounded by nature, trees, wildlife and varied scenery makes the muscles in your body work harder and provides a more enriching experience. However, treadmills offer a uniform motion and work fewer muscle groups compared to walking outdoors.

Impact on joints:

Treadmills are generally better for your joints because they provide better shock absorption. Treadmills are designed to absorb more shock, which reduces stress on your joints and ankles. On the other hand, walking on hard surfaces outdoors can increase the risk of joint pain in some people.

Mental health benefits:

Walking in nature has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Fresh air, sunlight and natural surroundings can greatly improve mood and mental health. Therefore, outdoor exercise can be more enjoyable and beneficial for overall wellbeing, helping to maintain physical fitness and mental health.

In conclusion, both outdoor walking and treadmill walking have their advantages. Outdoor walking offers greater variety and natural benefits, while treadmills provide a controlled environment that can be gentler on your joints. The best option depends on individual preferences and health needs.

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