Tips for parents to follow to have a relaxing morning routine with their children

Engage in positive affirmations with your little one after waking up in the morning. (Image: Shutterstock)

The foundation of a good parent-child relationship or bond begins with a relaxing morning routine.

Being a father is never easy. From putting up with your child's tantrums to meeting his needs, the task is quite daunting. It is true that being a father is quite rewarding. Realizing that you are feeding a mini version of yourself fills your heart with joy. However, sometimes it can be complicated, since you have to understand that each child is different.

Parents play a crucial role in a child's development phase. That is why it is important that you spend as much time as possible with them.

Here are some simple things you can do as a parent to create a relaxing morning routine that benefits your children:

  1. Snuggle in bedInstead of dragging your munchkins out of bed in the morning, take time to spend a few extra minutes with them. Get into their beds and snuggle with your child, planting soft kisses to wake them up. You can also ask them if they slept well and strike up a comforting conversation. It will start a relaxed morning.
  2. Communicating is keyLike any relationship, the bond between a parent and their children is strengthened when you communicate openly with them. The conversation can be as simple as what your kids are excited about, their hobbies, or how they would like to spend their time on a weekend or holiday. By taking this approach, your child will feel more connected to you.
  3. Holding hands while walkingA small gesture like holding a hand can have positive effects on your little one. While taking a walk in the park or walking down a flight of stairs, simply hold your child's hand, sing their favorite song, or tell a joke. It will strengthen your relationship with your child.
  4. Listen to musicAs an adult, you may feel stressed in the morning having to go to work, prepare breakfast, or walk your child to school. Children can feel stress too. So, to have a relaxing morning routine, all you have to do is get up a few minutes early and put on relaxing music. It will calm you and your children.
  5. Engage in positive thinkingEngage in positive affirmations with your little one after waking up in the morning. Teach your children gratitude and ask them to name anything they are grateful for every day.

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