The Times subscriber walk addressed the Elysian Fields West Loop

We were a small but powerful group for our third increase in Los Angeles Times subscribers on Saturday.

The third Times subscriber walk took place in Elysian Park.

(Deborah vankin / Los Angeles Times)

Eight attendees and several times the employees gathered on the Ellysian Park West Loop path in a crunchy but glorious morning. We did some sections to warm up and then set out to explore the first Los Angeles park. Yes, Elysian opened 10 years before Griffith Park in 1886.

While we advanced in the 2.4 mile circuit, I shared some little things that I learned recently on our surroundings. The name Elysian comes from Greek mythology: Elysian Fields is a place where souls rest. With the installation of a park located on the edge of the center, providing a respite for the tired inhabitants of the city.

The Times subscriber walk.

The Times subscriber walk.

(Deborah vankin / Los Angeles Times)

It is always a pleasure to meet new people along the way, this time between the fragrant cedar, eucalyptus and pines of Elysian. But since this team was smaller than the past events, we could really connect, almost everyone talked to each other at some point.

A subscriber gave us stories of his career as an aviation photographer; Another had a lot to say about his work on Skid Row; Another subscriber, a fan of our recent series of desk exercises, encouraged everyone to do mobility exercises during their workday, since they had helped her. He felt like a true community excursion. And it was the perfect way to start the weekend.

Three people and a dog walk along a path

The Times subscriber walk.

(Deborah vankin / Los Angeles Times)

Our pet, the open -air reporter's dog, Jaclyn Cosgrove, Maggie May, led the way while we took views to Atwater, Glendale and the Skyline of the center of Los Angeles. When we returned to Grace E. Simons Lodge parking lot, a whore of children's birthday parties was getting in the park.

“Thank you, this was great,” a subscriber shouted, who said goodbye to the other side of the parking lot. “I learned something and even got a phone number!” Then he went to the hill towards his car, a PEP in his path.



(Deborah vankin / Los Angeles Times)

Are attentive to obtain details about our next subscriber walk, which will take place at the end of spring. Meanwhile: see our hiking guide for 70 of the best walks in the Los Angeles area. And the wild bulletin will keep it updated on outdoor news and adventures.

Until next, enjoy it there!

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