The ice bath challenge can be beneficial for your physical and mental health; That is how

The ice bath process involves immersion in cold water at a minimum temperature of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius for 10 to 15 minutes. (Image: Shutterstock)

In 2019, the challenge gained popularity in the West and was called the Ice Bath Challenge or Ice Bucket Challenge.

Today, social media is all about one's relevance in keeping up with trends. Although most of them simply come and go, some remain for longer and involve large numbers of people.

To add to the craze, there is a trend that not only pleased several celebrities and influencers on social media platforms but also claimed to be beneficial for physical and mental health. It is the ice bath trend in which several influencers and celebrities have been seen soaking in a tub full of ice water.

The ice bath process involves immersion in cold water at a minimum temperature of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius for 10 to 15 minutes. It is also called cryotherapy.

While many must wonder who started this painful trend. Celebrities like Justin Timberlake, Chris Pratt and Oprah were seen taking up ice bath challenges in 2019, when it gained momentum, and is now gaining more attention in India. However, the trend in India is adding a twist: the health benefit of taking on an ice bath challenge.

Recently, the Chak De! Indian celebrity Vidya Malavade, known for her dedication to fitness, opted for the ice bath challenge on Instagram. Highlighting the health benefits of taking ice baths, the actress wrote in her post: “There are so many benefits of ice baths… Improved immunity… cardiovascular health and muscle recovery, reduces inflammation… Also allows that blood rushes to the organs which rejuvenates every cell, nerve, organ, even blood, making it super invigorating… and once you settle into the COLD… it can be absolutely meditative and exhilarating all together!

Given the recent buzz about the health benefits of ice baths, let's take a look at expert advice on the beneficial and cautionary points of the same.

According to internal medicine consultant at CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram, Dr Tushar Tayal emphasizes that cold water bath has health benefits. Helps activate the immune system by increasing antibodies. It can also help in weight loss as it increases metabolism, causing fat to burn more calories, India Today reported.

Additionally, Dr. Wilona Annunciation, a consultant psychiatrist in Mumbai, hints at a study published in January 2023 that found that ice bath helps facilitate positive effects and reduce negativity.

However, Dr A Brion Gardner, orthopedic surgeon at Centers for Advanced Orthopedics, highlights that there may also be a high risk of developing conditions such as hypothermia if performed over a longer period of time. According to a Health Line report, people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes should be careful when taking ice baths, as they may suffer from an imbalance in body temperature, Dr. Gardner said.

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