The bride's dress splattered with red paint as she walks down the aisle

A bride's wedding dress was splattered with red paint as she walked down the aisle in a cruel prank orchestrated by the groom's mother.

A Mexican bride's wedding gone wrong has gone viral on platforms like Reddit, Instagram and X, formerly known as Twitter. In a post on Reddit's wedding shaming subreddit, one poster wrote about someone from her mother's hometown named Alexandra, who was relentlessly harassed by her now-husband's family.

The groom was reportedly from a wealthy family in Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, Mexico, and upon learning that he was engaged to a woman who was not of a similar background, his family began trying everything in their power to sabotage the young couple's relationship. .

The Reddit poster noted that Alexandra is “a lovely person and wouldn't hurt anyone” and didn't deserve the alleged harassment campaign the boyfriend's parents launched against her. They wrote that she tried to hold her head up amid accusations of “gold-digging” from her parents, trying to lead with kindness.

However, when the young couple announced their engagement, things escalated. According to an X in Spanish now viral thread, The groom's mother, Maupe, faked a heart attack when she heard the news. At the time, Ella Maupe allegedly blamed the couple for her heart problems and told her son that the least she could do was “cover all of his medical costs.”

The groom's family reportedly continued to be uncompromising and horrible to the young couple, refusing to attend the wedding. Although they weren't present during the February 18 wedding, they made sure to make a fuss and try to ruin the couple's big day.

According to the Twitter thread, Alexandra was walking up the church stairs with her father when her sparkly wedding dress became splattered with red paint. The crowd reportedly screamed in horror as she quickly turned to see what had happened, unsure of what had splashed her at that moment. The train of her dress and the steps behind her were dyed red.

The family “hired someone to throw red paint on the bride's dress right before she walked down the aisle,” the Reddit poster alleged. They added that three men were responsible for ruining the bride's dress; Two of them were in charge of throwing two cans of paint at her and the third recorded the incident with her phone.

“At first, guests thought the red paint might be blood,” the sign continues. “[The] The bride said she initially felt like she was water, but then she saw everyone's shocked faces and her friends were trying to assure her that she still looked beautiful.”

They added: “She says the worst thing was looking at her mother's face because she initially thought she had been physically hurt.”

The bride, shocked and disturbed by the paint attack, decided to return home to put on a gold dress and walk down the aisle. Once the couple was finally able to say their vows, they continued celebrating as they had planned, but the groom's family did not end their alleged attempts at sabotage.

The Reddit poster wrote that the family had “sent an anonymous tip to the police saying they could find drugs” at the location where the couple was going to take their photos. The police showed up and searched the place, even threatening to handcuff the boyfriend. However, no one was arrested and the police left, allowing the couple to continue with the celebration.

Unfortunately, the harassment did not end there, as the groom's family allegedly hid not only his passport but also his visa before their honeymoon, and tried to “bribe the travel agency to ruin the trip.” According to the Reddit poster, the honeymoon went off without a hitch despite the groom's family's meddlesome actions.

The local community of Ciudad Obregón ostracized the groom's family after everything that happened and his house was reportedly egged on. They have “been interrogated by his friends and they have denied everything, but they do not deny that they loved knowing it.”

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