Teacher Goes Viral for '30 Seconds or Less' Kindness Rule

An elementary school teacher makes sure her students learn to be kind from an early age.

Natalie Ringold recently shared a video of herself on Instagram teaching her fourth-grade class how to be kind while using what she calls the “30 seconds or less” rule.

“If someone can't change something about themselves in 30 seconds or less, then you shouldn't mention it to them,” she told her students in the clip. Ringold even listed some examples of things that could be changed quickly, like an untied shoelace or a piece of lint on a shirt.

“But if you comment on someone's hair color or texture, hairstyle or body, they can't change that in 30 seconds or less,” he continued.

The teacher wanted her students to know the power of words and demonstrated this using a tube of toothpaste. She compared the tube to telling someone something they can't change about themselves in less than 30 seconds, but just like toothpaste, it can't be taken off no matter how hard you try.

“So it's very complicated,” he said in his video.

“Are the students rude? Try this!” the teacher wrote in her post, and then talked about what her students should have learned from the lesson, such as “once our words and actions go out into the world, we cannot erase them or take them back completely” and “We can choose to fill other people’s “buckets” or do the opposite.”

“I reminded my students that we did this lesson on the last day of school because I want them to remember this concept for the rest of their lives!” his title continued. “Of course, there are small, random exceptions to this 30-second rule, but nailing this concept down for my students has been incredibly helpful!”

Since she first posted the video, it has been viewed more than 23 million times and has more than a million likes, and many people took to the comments section to express how much they liked the lesson and wished they weren't just the children who could learn. but also some adults.

“It's comforting that someone is teaching these things from childhood… We adults should have classes like this because I guess we are all forgetting about humanity and kindness…” one comment read.

Another commenter agreed, writing: “I think a lot of adults need to hear this message!”

“If they're old enough to be mean on purpose, they're also old enough to be nice on purpose,” a third commenter noted.

One commenter even explained a similar exercise he used to teach the same concept to his own children using a piece of paper. “I did something similar with my children. I used a piece of paper for the same analogy. “I let the children insult the piece of paper and with each insult I crumpled the paper a little more and in the end it was in a ball and then you 'unrolled' the paper and asked the children to apologize,” the commentator commented. explained.

“Ask them if the piece of paper will be the same after that. No. It won't be, even if you apologize, it will still have wrinkles. “My children were speechless.”

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