Suniel Shetty's fitness mantra is worth adding to your favourites

With a perfectly defined physique, Suniel Shetty can even outshine the new generation of stars.

Suniel Shetty once shared insights about his workout routine and lifestyle that helps him stay young.

Suniel Shetty is undoubtedly the fitness guru of B-town. With a perfectly-honed physique, the seasoned actor can even outshine the new generation of stars. The good news is that his regimen is not exactly a secret. Shetty once shared information about his fitness and lifestyle routine that helps him stay young. According to him, it is 80% diet, 10% workout and 10% habits that keeps him in tip-top shape.

During a podcast interview with Ranveer Allahbadia aka Beer Biceps, Shetty shared, “My workout routine is my lifestyle routine. Like I say, 80% diet, 10% training, and 10% habits. Go to bed early, wake up early. You know, no matter what, I make sure I wake up before 5 or 6 in the morning so that I go to bed by 10 or 10:30 at night. Even if I am late for work, I catch up during the week, but I don’t alter that routine of waking up early. So, I work out early, 45 minutes to an hour, and I quantify my food. I need simple things.”

Shetty added: “The basic mantra is 80% clean diet and home-cooked food.”

He revealed that while he enjoys eating out, he avoids it because he is unsure of the additives or preservatives used. Instead, he meticulously counts his calorie and oil intake and avoids foods with white ingredients such as milk, white rice, salt and sugar.

When asked about supplements and protein intake, Suniel Shetty explained, “No, no, no. I tried protein supplements for a while because I felt my muscles were depleted, but they didn’t work for me. When something doesn’t work for me, I start from scratch with my nutritionist. We assess what is lacking and determine what needs to be adjusted, then I supplement with natural alternatives. So far, it has worked for me.”

In the interview, Suniel Shetty spoke about his injury and said that he needs to talk to his nutritionist about it. The actor mentioned that if cutting down on protein intake and taking supplements doesn't work, he needs to address the underlying issues.

She also spoke about the importance of understanding each person's specific nutritional needs. Shetty advocates for personalized nutrition, where proper testing should be done to identify deficiencies and tailor the diet accordingly. “We should not be consuming supplements just because the world tells us to,” she advises.

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