Suffering from constipation? A nutritionist explains why isabgol alone might not be the solution

The main use of Isabgol has been in the treatment of constipation. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Isabgol, sometimes called psyllium husk, ispaghula, or Indian desert wheat, is one such medicinal plant.

Reliance on plant-derived products for medicinal purposes has been a long-standing aspect of human civilization. Isabgol, sometimes referred to as psyllium husk, ispaghula, or Indian desert wheat, is one such medicinal plant. It is currently used in the pharmaceutical sector due to its cholesterol-lowering properties, but the primary use of isabgol has been in the treatment of constipation. However, one nutritionist claims that simply taking isabgol would not resolve constipation in the long term.

Nutritionist Sikha Gupta took to Instagram to share her thoughts on how to deal with constipation. In her opinion, one needs to identify the “root cause.” According to her, the main causes of constipation are gut dysbiosis, inadequate consumption of soluble and insoluble fiber, a highly refined diet, thyroid disorders, and cortisol imbalances.

So how can constipation be treated?

According to Gupta, the following measures are needed:

  • Step 1: Address the underlying cause of constipation.
  • Step 2: Since soluble fiber softens stool, prioritize it over insoluble fiber.
  • Step 3: Consider taking a magnesium supplement to help relax muscles and promote healthy bowel movements.
  • Step 4: Add a high-quality probiotic to preserve a balanced gut microbiome, which is critical for digestive wellness.

In addition, Gupta offered the following list of soluble elements:

  • Oats, Brussels sprouts, carrots, flax seeds, barley, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries), lentils, beans, peas, apples, oranges, and grapes.

  • As for isabgol, it is a gelatinous material that thickens when immersed in water. It has been shown to be a natural laxative and is high in dietary fiber.
  • When consumed, it adds more volume to the stool, which facilitates bowel movements.
  • It has no taste or smell. It only absorbs water from the digestive tract to facilitate the passage of stool instead of nutrients.
  • Isabgol should not be used in case of constipation, despite being one of the best natural therapies for this condition. Rather than treating constipation, isabgol works well to prevent it. Remedying active constipation with it is pointless.
  • Isabgol should be used in moderation, experts recommend.
  • Isabgol powder form is one of the most popular and convenient forms of consumption.
  • You can get by with just 1-2 teaspoons a day mixed with warm water.
  • Consult your doctor and follow his or her advice if you are not sure whether or not you should include isabgol in your regular diet.
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