Skin care tips: Bricolaage banana facial masks for healthy and radiant skin

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Rich in vitamins C and E, potassium and antioxidants, banana provides complete food to the skin, increases collagen production and quickly moisturizes dry skin

Anti -inflammatory property in banana peels helps reduce acne, minimize wrinkles and improve skin radiation. (News18 Hindi)

Bananas are not only beneficial to health, but also highly effective to improve the beauty of the skin. Rich in vitamins C and E, potassium and antioxidants, this fruit provides complete food to the skin, increases collagen production and quickly moisturizes dry skin.

With its moisturizing, exfoliating and bright properties, banana is an excellent natural remedy for skin care. Anti -inflammatory properties in their peel help reduce acne and inflammation, minimize wrinkles and improve skin radiation. Here are some easy ways to make bananas facial masks at home.

DIY banana facial masks for impeccable skin

Banana and yogurt

Mash a ripe banana and mix it with two teaspoons of fresh yogurt to create a mask. Apply it for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it. Potassium, vitamin C and lactic acid in this mask help hydrate the skin, reduce wrinkles and increase collagen production.

Banana, rose water, honey and raw milk

Mache a ripe banana and add a teaspoon of rose water, a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of raw milk. Apply it on your face and leave it for 20 minutes before rinsed with normal water. This mask hydrates, illuminates and softens the skin. Use it twice a week.

Banana, yogurt and turmeric

Mash a ripe banana and mix it with two teaspoons of yogurt and half a teaspoon of turmeric. Apply it on your face for 15-20 minutes before washing it. This mask helps reduce inflammation while improving the natural brightness of the skin. Use it twice a week.

Banana flour, lemon and gram

Mash a ripe banana and mix it with a teaspoon of lemon juice and two teaspoons of gram flour. Apply the pasta on your face, leave it for 15–20 minutes, then rinse. This mask improves skin texture and helps achieve an impeccable complexion. Apply it twice a week.

The use of these masks will instantly improve the natural brightness of your skin, keeping it soft and radiant even in changing climatic conditions.

News Lifestyle Skin care tips: Bricolaage banana facial masks for healthy and radiant skin
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