Should we all try to get fit five times a day? As experts say, moving more is key to preventing cancer

We've all heard about five a day when it comes to getting enough fruits and vegetables, but what about when it comes to moving your body?

Just five short, simple exercises a day could be the key to safeguarding our future health, including helping to prevent certain types of cancer.

Studies have shown that even small amounts of regular movement can be beneficial. In fact, just three and a half minutes a day of vigorous activity, such as climbing stairs, can reduce the overall risk of cancer by 17% to 18%, compared to no vigorous activity, research from the University from Sydney published last month.

However, lack of free time is often seen as an obstacle to exercising. More than half (56%) of UK adults say having more time, energy and feeling fitter would motivate them to be more physically active, according to a new survey commissioned by the World Cancer Research Fund.

But getting fit five times a day doesn't have to mean big workouts: They're micro movement breaks that you can incorporate into your daily life.

Cost can also be a barrier that many people experience when it comes to staying active. But 'exercise snacks' don't cost a cent – it's something you can do every day in the comfort of your home.

“The bottom line is to make exercise easy; don't feel like you have to set aside a specific time,” says Matt Lambert, nutritionist and health information and promotion manager at the World Cancer Research Fund.

“I think that's really the key, because a lot of people's barriers to being active is time, because of work and family. “Sometimes people don’t realize that you can incorporate movement into your day.”

Do you want to get fit five days a day and help safeguard your future health? Here are some ideas…

1. Start walking while talking on the phone

Do you have a call scheduled at work? Lambert says this is a great excuse to get going. Whether it's going for a brisk walk or just pacing around your workspace, moving around while taking a call is an easy way to get some activity done.

“It's something I do all the time, I go back to work and then I think, 'Actually, I have a little more energy, I feel a lot better,' so it's just about incorporating that into someone's life and daily routine.” . Lambert says.

2. Take advantage of commercial breaks while watching television.

There are mini exercises that you can spend a few minutes doing while you wait for your favorite program to come back. Lambert recommends doing push-ups using the coffee table or even standing up and sitting down repeatedly.

“It could be chair squats, two minutes of sit-ups or maybe jumping jacks. It's about giving people options based on their fitness level and finding something they can do,” says Lambert.

3. Multitask while brushing your teeth

It's a mindless activity that you do twice a day, so why not use that time of brushing your teeth to do a mini exercise?

Whether it's walking around the bathroom or doing squats on the spot, Lambert says that even 20 seconds of movement that increases your heart rate will be beneficial in the long term if done regularly.

“When it comes to behavior change, the important thing is to make those habits sustainable, and one thing we do automatically is brush our teeth at night, so it's about making exercise as easy as possible,” Lambert says.

4. Move while making a cup of tea

How many hops does it take for the kettle to boil? Every little movement you can do throughout the day adds up, even if it's just for a few minutes, and Lambert says making use of the activities you already do daily could be the key to achieving this.

“Sometimes people tend to become obsessed with exercise and physical activity or sports, with the end goal of maybe changing their appearance. But ultimately what you're helping to do [by making activity bursts part of your day] is to reduce the risk of cancer and help you live longer,” adds Lambert.

5. Start a disco in the kitchen.

Put on your favorite playlist and spend a couple of minutes of the day dancing.

“You don't have to be drenched in sweat and you can be alone,” says Lambert. “Play a song and dance for a couple of minutes. It's about making it accessible, easy, friendly, fun and enjoyable.”

Lambert adds that one of the most important things when changing your lifestyle is consistency. And he remembers: “Doing something is always better than doing nothing.”

This year, the charity's Cancer Prevention Action Week (February 19-25) encourages people to “make your move” by finding free time in their day to do short bursts of activity a few times a day .

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