Seasonal fruits for adequate water, expert shares tips to protect yourself from excessive heat

The expert advised people to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables.

The expert shared that in summer the body needs an adequate amount of water and asked to drink an average of 2.7 to 3.7 liters of water each day.

There was an unprecedented heat wave across India. The temperature continues to rise as the heat becomes unbearable. This has caused many to suffer from heatstroke, dehydration, diarrhea and dizziness. There are a couple of ways to protect your health from the scorching heat and sun.

Siddha medicine practitioner Dr. Komalavalli from Tirunelveli shared that as sweat production and heat increases in the body, regardless of water intake, one will continue to feel thirsty, experience dry skin, fatigue due to to excessive sweating, lethargy, skin and muscle problems. spasms and much more. He advised that children, elderly people and patients with comorbidities such as high blood pressure and diabetes should be careful during this period.

The expert shared that in summer the body needs to receive the appropriate amount of water. Drinking an average of 2.7 to 3.7 liters of water every day can help prevent dehydration from excessive swimming and also help against urinary tract infections (UTIs). He also recommended soaking some currants, nannari (Indian sarsaparilla), cumin seeds and vetiver root in water. Drinking this can help eliminate excess bile in the body. To compensate for the body's loss of electrolytes, he suggested drinking tender coconut water. It is packed with nutrients like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus that help keep the body hydrated and relieve fatigue.

Dr. Komalavalli further recommended that everyone eat seasonal fruits and vegetables. Through this, the body will be able to obtain all the vital nutrients. It also helps eliminate waste and toxins from the body. He recommends eating lemons as they reduce body heat and quench thirst, cucumbers contain 96 percent water, eliminate toxins from the body and improve health. According to him, it also eliminates redness on the skin and soothes irritation caused by heat. The expert further added that herbal drinks should also be consumed.

In addition to this, it is best to try to stay indoors during the hottest season. Doctors across the country have suggested wearing lightweight, light-colored cotton clothing. Avoid strenuous exercise as it can cause excessive sweating, which will also lead to dehydration.

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