Reducing water waste in the bathroom: simple changes for a greener lifestyle

A water-saving shower head can significantly reduce the flow of water in your shower.

By making thoughtful adjustments, we can play an important role in conserving water and contributing to a more sustainable future.

Water is an essential resource that sustains life, drives economic development, and supports ecosystems. As the world’s population grows and environmental challenges intensify, the demand for clean water increases. In response to these pressing issues, it is critical to adopt sustainable practices to conserve water. World Water Week, celebrated from 25 to 29 August, serves as a crucial reminder of the need for sustainable water practices and innovative technologies to address this growing concern. One high-impact area for change is our bathrooms, where everyday habits present a wealth of opportunities to reduce water waste and improve our daily routines. By making thoughtful adjustments, we can play an important role in conserving water and contributing to a more sustainable future.

Turn off the water tap while brushing your teeth

Turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth is one of the easiest and most effective ways to save water. Leaving the faucet on for those two minutes can waste gallons of water a day. By simply turning off the faucet, you're conserving a valuable resource without any additional effort. To take your water-saving efforts even further, consider installing a water-saving faucet at your sink. KOHLER's sensor faucet gives you plenty of leeway. With unique finish and style options from traditional to ultra-modern, it's easy to discover a faucet that saves water and is a design delight.

Fix leaks quickly

Leaky faucets, toilets, and showerheads can waste a significant amount of water. Just one drop per second from a leaky faucet can add up to a lot of water waste per year. It's important to fix any leaks right away by repairing or replacing faulty components. Regular maintenance checks are critical to detecting leaks early, saving water, and preventing minor issues from becoming costly problems down the road.

Take showers and keep them short.

Choosing a shower instead of a bath is a smart way to save water. Showers typically use less water, especially when combined with a shower mixer tap that allows you to easily adjust the flow rate and temperature.

To save even more water and energy, keep showers short. On average, 10-12 litres of water are used per minute, so a ten-minute shower can waste over 100 litres. Reducing shower time helps to minimise water consumption and energy use, making it a simple but effective way to save resources.

Install water-saving fixtures

One of the most effective ways to reduce water waste in the bathroom is to install water-efficient fixtures. Modern technologies, such as smaller, more powerful flushes on toilets, can significantly reduce water usage without compromising performance. Kohler’s Reach Eco, Spacity and Apt toilets set new sustainability standards by boasting the lowest flush water consumption in the industry. They use just 3.6 litres of water per flush, which is a significant reduction from the standard 6 litres per flush for traditional toilets. The toilet also features Kohler’s highly engineered flush technology, which ensures a powerful flush every time even with minimal water volume. This means the toilet can save up to 12,000 L of water per year – great news for the environment and your wallet.

Install a water-saving shower head

A water-saving shower head can significantly reduce the water flow rate in the shower. Unlike a conventional shower head, the water-saving version has a water flow rate of 6 to 9 liters per minute, depending on the model.

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