Ram Mandir Trust simplifies darshan process for local Ayodhya community

Local people will be able to attend darshan of Ram Lala without crowds.

This great gift is given by the Ram Mandir trust to the local people and saints.

In its recent initiative, Ayodhya Ram Mandir Trust is bringing in modern amenities for the devotees of Ram Lala. Yes, it is true. Know about it in detail in this article.

Local people will be able to attend darshan of Ram Lala without facing any crowd as new facilities will be made available.

Ram Mandir Trust will make a great gift to the local people and saints. The saints, mahants and local people living in Ram Nagri will be able to have darshan of Ram Lala without having to face any crowd.

To avail this facility, locals need to fill a form with proof of their local residence and submit it at the Ram Mandir Trust camp office where regular darshan will be offered. Thus, Ram Lala devotees will be able to get darshan of Ram Lala easily through this regular darshan pass.

The local people were regularly facing problems due to increasing crowd and administrative arrangements, whenever they visited Ram Mandir to have a darshan of Lord Ram after Lord Ram Lala was installed in the temple. Due to this reason, the local saints and mahants lodged a complaint with the Ram Mandir Trust. Therefore, for this reason, the Ram Mandir Trust is issuing regular darshan passes for regular darshan of the people, keeping in mind the benefit of the local people residing in Ram Nagri.

However, the pass will be valid for six months only. The local people will have to keep their Aadhar cards along with the valid pass. A separate route will also be marked for the regular darshan of Ram devotees along with this so that they do not face the huge crowd. Hence, Ram Mandir Trust has taken this initiative keeping in mind the convenience of the local people or Ram devotees of Ram Nagri. This initiative has also been praised by the saints and mahants of Ayodhya.

Saryu Nitya Aarti President Mahant Shashikant Das said that this initiative of the Ram Mandir Trust for the local population is commendable. As the local population regularly faced problems in getting a darshan of Ram Lala, the Trust’s initiative to provide easy access to local devotees is commendable.

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