Princess Theodora of Greece finally marries her American fiancé after two delayed royal weddings

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Princess Theodora of Greece finally married her American fiancé, Matthew Kumar, in a royal wedding.

After two previous postponements, the 41-year-old married the Hollywood lawyer, 34, in a lavish ceremony at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens, the same church where her parents, King Constantine and Queen Anne Mary, were married. on September 18, 1964. According to an official statement, the couple chose the location to honor Greek culture and the princess's family.

“The couple's desire to celebrate their wedding in Athens reflects their love for Greece, the strong ties they have with the country and their desire to share Greek culture, hospitality and identity with their guests,” the statement said.

The princess was escorted down the aisle by her brother, Crown Prince Pavlos, and spectators, including Queen Sofia of Spain, in a dress by Greek designer Celia Kritharioti. According to the statement, His Eminence Metropolitan of Syros, Dorotheus II, officiated at the Greek Orthodox wedding ceremony.

Several members of the royal family served at the wedding party, with the bride's brothers Crown Prince Pavlos, 57, and Prince Phillipos, 38, chosen as groomsmen, as was Crown Prince Pavlos and Crown Princess Marie-Chantal's second son, Prince Achilles-Andreas. As for the bridesmaids, Theodora asked Pavlos and Marie-Chantal's daughter, Princess Maria Olympia, and Princess Alexia's eldest daughter, Arrietta Morales of Greece, to join her bridal party.

The wedding was postponed due to the Covid pandemic

The wedding was postponed due to the Covid pandemic (fake images)

According Hello!The bride and groom hosted a pre-wedding event at the Byzantine Museum with their wedding party and guests in attendance.

The wedding was originally scheduled for 2020, but was first postponed due to the pandemic. At the time, Theodora shared a statement on Instagram in May 2020, along with a photo of the couple posing with glasses of champagne in hand.

“On what should have been our wedding weekend, we greatly appreciated the love and support of friends and family. We can't wait to celebrate with all of you in Greece once it is safe xx,” the Greek royal wrote.

The couple postponed their wedding for a second time when Theodora's father, King Constantine II, died in January 2023 at age 82.

Constantine was considered the last king of Greece before the abolition of the monarchy in 1973.

In nearly 60 years of marriage, King Constantine and Queen Anna Maria had five children: Princess Alexia, Crown Prince Pavlos, Prince Nikolaos, Princess Theodora and Prince Philip. Their descendants still represent the country as princes and princesses, however, they no longer have the same political power they once had.