Pregnant women and patients with diabetes, who should not eat guavas

Guava has low glycemic levels and therefore should be avoided by patients with diabetes.

Guava has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help improve brain and nerve health.

Guava is one of the most nutritious fruits. Whether you eat it in an unripe or ripe state, its flavor is delicious and it is excellent for your health. This fruit is known to be packed with vitamin B, vitamin K, NE, selenium, zinc, copper and manganese. Guavas are low in calories and rich in fiber and are therefore an excellent addition to the daily diet. However, it is not suitable for everyone.

Guava has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help improve brain and nerve health. Apart from this, it helps in better digestion and the growth of intestinal bacteria. It helps regulate blood, cholesterol and sugar levels, boosts the immune system, is great for hair and skin and great for bone and eye health.

Studies have also found that it can help against heart attacks and strokes, premature aging and acne. You can consume guava in various forms, such as jams and juices, or eat it raw by simply cutting it into slices. Even its leaves are excellent for health and make excellent herbal teas, capsules and powders.

However, there are some compounds in this throat that may not give the same result to everyone and may cause side effects. People allergic to guava and pregnant women should not consume this fruit. Apart from this, breastfeeding mothers or those who have the following medical conditions should avoid eating guava:

People with digestive problems

If you experience bloating, nausea, or an upset stomach after eating guava, you should stop consuming this fruit immediately.

People with eczema

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, and skin conditions such as itching, redness, dryness and irritation can occur. If you suffer from eczema, you should avoid eating guava or its leaf extracts as they can aggravate the condition.

Diabetic patients

If you are diabetic you should avoid eating guava due to its low glycemic index. Guava and guava leaf extracts lower blood sugar levels, so continue to monitor your blood sugar levels if you consume them.

People who will undergo surgery

Do not eat guava or its supplement for at least two weeks before having surgery, as it can lower your blood sugar levels and increase your risk of bleeding.

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