Parents accuse beloved TV show Peppa Pig of teaching 'rude' to children

American parents accuse beloved TV show Peppa Pig of teaching unpleasant lessons to their children.

Over the years, there has been immense criticism towards the long-running children's cartoon series, which follows the adventures of Peppa Pig. The show also introduces Peppa's parents, his brother George, and the other animals that live in the town. Running since 2004, the show often depicts experiences and emotions that children might be facing themselves.

Now, parents have continued to respond to the British TV show, with claims about how it has influenced their children. speaking to The timesKayla Tychsen, a 33-year-old mother of two from Houston, Texas, said Peppa is not an accurate representation of how children should behave.

“Some argue that Peppa is like any other four-year-old girl. I think that's probably true. Four-year-olds can be rude, demanding and whiny,” she said. “But for me, the problem is that I don't want to model that behavior for my children.”

Tychsen emphasized that he does not want to “sit [her children] in front of [the] show” because of the different ways Peppa acts. For example, she criticized the cartoon show for how “Peppa bosses people around, or tells her parents what to do…or makes comments about people's weight.”

The mother also acknowledged that when she started working as a nanny, she noticed that Peppa Pig It was affecting the child I was taking care of. “I really didn't like her attitude and now that I have two children, they have never seen me. Peppa Pig,” She explained.

speaking to The Wall Street Journalmother Armita Asgari, spoke about how her son's reactions to food have changed since he saw Peppa Pig. More specifically, he referred to how Peppa and George frequently say “yuck,” with a British accent, in different situations.

According to Asgari, his son Luca says: “Ew! “Yuck,” when presented with new foods. At one point when Luca was upset, he also said, “You're not my friend anymore!” The mother then added that when her son made a comment about a neighbor, that's when she realized he was being influenced by the children's television show.

“He said, 'Look, David has a big belly! That's when I realized that he had learned all these behaviors from Peppa Pig,'” he said while calling Peppa Pig “a brat.”

Luca's comment is a reference to the different moments in the show where Peppa made fun of her father Daddy Pig's weight. For example, in a 2017 episode that faced immense backlash, Peppa's password to her tree house was: “Daddy's Big Belly.” After everyone laughs at him, Peppa tells her father that she can't enter the tree house because “his belly is too big.”

Additionally, Ayesha Khaliq, a 36-year-old mother, said WSJ that the program needs to focus more on how parents raise their children to be sensitive. She also stated that Peppa is not reprimanded for her bad behavior like most children today are.

“Peppa acts like any child would, but she is not taught that she is cruel,” he said. “The mom should step in and say, 'Wait, it's rude of her to hang up on your friend.'”

As for why there has been so much backlash around the show, Tyschsen has shared her belief that there is more learning to be done about how children develop. She also stated that the negative response to Peppa Pig It could be due to how parents are becoming more aware of their children's surroundings.

“There is a lot more research on child development and how children learn and how different forms of discipline and other interactions impact a child,” she said. The times. “So I think there are a lot of parents who choose not to parent the way they were raised and choose a more conscious parenting approach. “They are being more intentional in the decisions they make for their children.”

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