Parenting Tips: All About Time-Out Technique and Its Benefits

In the time-out technique, children begin to learn to control their behavior.

In the time-out technique, instead of scolding children, it is better to give them the opportunity to sit quietly and think for a while.

In the past, parental scolding did not lead to a rift between parents and children. In a joint family, if one family member scolded the child, another member would often step in to offer comfort and guidance. But now that times have changed, with joint families on the decline and parents on the rise, children are the ones who suffer the most. They often lack quality time with their parents. In such a situation, if parents scold or beat them for small mistakes, the feeling is devastating. The time-out technique is becoming a valuable tool for parents to discipline their children.

What is the time-out technique?

Reflection time is the time that children have to think and introspect alone. In parenting, it is like a kind of extra time where if children make a mistake, instead of scolding them or fighting with them, it is better to give them a chance to sit quietly and think for a while in a secluded place. This should be a fixed place where there are no toys or any family members to distract them.

Benefits of the technique

Research from the Child Mind Institute has found that this technique is not designed to emotionally confront the child, but rather gives both parties the opportunity to calm down, control their behavior, and regulate their emotions. As a result, children begin to learn to control their behavior without getting frustrated, angry, or panicking.

Timeout rules

Inform the child in advance that bad behavior is intolerable. Avoid doing so as much as possible.

Before following the time-out technique, explain to the child that this is not done to punish but to teach.

You can tell the child: “Don’t fight or quarrel, go and take some time to rest. First, calm down and then we will continue talking.”

When the time of isolation is over, the first thing to do is to hug the child with affection and try to improve the atmosphere. Tell him that we can do everything calmly and better.

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