Newborn Skin Care: Parents Should Avoid These 6 Common Mistakes

Avoid using products with excessive chemicals.

Leaving a child in a wet or soiled diaper for long periods of time can cause rashes.

A baby's skin is very delicate and needs extra care and protection from the environment. If not given proper care, it can suffer from skin conditions such as rashes, dryness, irritation, and infections. Below is a list of common mistakes that parents should avoid to keep their baby's skin safe.

Say 'no' to these products:

According to a health website, products containing chemicals such as parabens and phthalates should be strictly avoided. These chemicals are commonly found in plastics and various skin care products such as powders, shampoos, and soaps. Non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging), hypoallergenic (non-allergenic), and fragrance-free products should be used for babies.

Frequent bathing:

Please note that newborns do not need to be bathed every day. They should be given a full bath at an interval of 48 to 72 hours, which means 2 to 3 days. Avoid soaps that lather too much, as they can make the skin rough and cause irritation. According to more information, excessive bathing and high use of such products can cause eczema.

Wearing diapers for a long time:

Leaving a child in a wet or soiled diaper for long periods can lead to diaper rashes. So, make sure to change diapers at short intervals and you can also leave babies without diapers for some time.

Do not use sunscreen:

If your child is exposed to sunlight, he or she is at high risk of skin damage. You can protect his or her skin with an umbrella, any kind of fabric, and you can also use special sunscreens for babies.

Excessive or insufficient clothing:

The child should be dressed according to the weather. Layers of clothing during the summer or vice versa during the winter can harm the baby and his skin. It is better to wear clothes made of natural fabrics.

Not moisturizing the skin:

Remember to moisturize your baby's skin before and after bathing. This keeps the skin moisturized and gives it protection against many skin problems. You can use coconut oil before bathing your baby and make sure to apply lotion afterwards.

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