New York reminds itself how to dress for the snow

At 8 a.m. Tuesday, a basset hound wandered through Prospect Park in Brooklyn wearing an extra-long turtleneck sweater. The dog's ears swept the ground, which was covered in snow (real, fluffy snow, not yet yellow) for the first time in almost two years.

The hound was far from the only New Yorker strategically bundled up against the cold. Some wore padded jackets so warm they had to be unbuttoned on the subway. Others wore gloves that they removed to touch their smartphone screens. A powerful man walked through SoHo wearing sneakers and shorts.

Plans to document fashion amidst dreamy snowy landscapes in Lower Manhattan fell apart almost immediately, battered by freezing rain. By early afternoon, what little snow was left clung to garbage bags and street corners were covered in gray mud. Finally, it felt like winter in New York.

Age: 33

Lives in: NY

Occupation: Floor manager in clothing store

How did you feel when you saw the weather this morning? I haven't seen snow sticking to the ground in New York in a couple of years, so it's actually pretty nice. I can see. It goes.

What matters more to you, warmth or fashion? I think it's really cool to be able to combine both. I used to pride fashion on function, but now I try to find pieces that do both. Today I wore a small tracksuit, a wool jacket and a fur vest.

Lives in: Manhattan

Occupation: Luxury clothing saleswoman and model.

Do you think you're the only person wearing a crop top today? Yes. But don't forget, I have a fur coat and a sleeping bag on top! These are my pajamas.

What matters more to you, warmth or fashion? Stay warm, 100 percent. There is no beauty when it is cold.

Best snow day memory? When I was a baby in Ukraine, I had this sled. I was going very fast and crashed into a tree.

Age: 28

Lives in: western town

Occupation: Stylist

Best snow day memory? Sledding, staying home from school, video games.

What do you want to do in the snow? I've been dying to take my daughter to Central Park and take her sledding, but it hasn't snowed enough. She is only 3 years old.

Age: 33

Lives in: Manhattan

Occupation: Freelancer

Is it difficult to ride a scooter in this weather? It was before. But it's a little warmer. So now it's easier.

Age: 28

Lives in: Michigan

Occupation: Software developer

What matters more to you, warmth or fashion? Stay warm. This is my first time in New York and I've seen a lot of pretty girls with stockings and everything on. I say: You look so fabulous. But I'm always very cold.

Centuries: 29 and 1½

Live in: western town

Occupation: Lawyer

How did you dress for the cold? I tried to maintain my essence while looking appropriate for a preschool interview.

How's Bobby? You can dress a little boy in anything.

Age: 80

Lives in: Manhattan

Occupation: Retired

How are you spending the snow day? I'm on my way to the butcher. And then we go to the cheesemonger. And then we go to Rocco's house. The whole show.

What mistakes do people make when dressing for the cold? Without wearing a scarf.

Best snow day memory? They are all fun.

Age: 39

Lives in: NY

Occupation: Retail worker

Are you a snow fan? Depends. If I'm at home, yes, but not when I go to work. It's a little bit complicated.

Age: 72

Lives in: Saint Louis

Occupation: Substitute teacher

Tip for staying warm? I put Vaseline on my feet to keep warm and then put on my shoes.

Age: 49

Lives in: The Netherlands

Occupation: Nurse

Cool boots. I received the boots for my birthday. It's a perfect day to show them off.

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