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Ozempic may sound as a quick solution for weight loss, but there are many natural ways to help fight food cravings and lose weight without any health risk or costs.
The demand for weight control such as Ozempic, a brand for the medical semaglutida, has shot in popularity in the last two years. It is a type of GLP-1 drug, which is a weekly injection that helps with weight loss and blood sugar management in people who have type 2 diabetes.
GLP-1 drugs increase incredine levels (hormones), which are naturally produced by the stomach when eating. It works by helping your body to produce more insulin, which also reduces the amount of glucose produced by the liver, and slows the speed with which food is digested. All this helps reduce blood sugar and slow down the speed with which food is digested. This means that it can stay more full for longer and, therefore, eat less.
Treatments such as Ozempic will not be recommended to people unless they have an BMI of 35 kg/m2 or more and have seen other ways in which they can lose weight first. But more and more, although the medicine began as an antidiabetic medicine, more people are receiving access to the medication for weight loss purposes. Since then, beneficial organizations have warned about an increase in people with eating disorders that access drugs, and so that people have knowledge of side effects, which include nausea, hypoglycemia and vision changes.
But health experts say that there are several ways in which people can naturally control their feelings of hunger (constant thoughts and cravings on food between meals, and lose weight without taking medications for weight control.
Making long -term lifestyle changes in your diet, sleep and daily routine can help you lose weight in a safe and stable way, and avoid the rapid solution of fashion or shock diets that are generally too difficult to follow.
Gillian Killiner RD, dietitian specialist in 121 dietitian, said Independent“Alternatives to GLP-1 medications such as Ozempic can be achieved using a holistic approach based on the evidence that focuses on satiety, hormonal balance and behavioral strategies and can be equally effective, without unpleasant hazardous side effects and dangerous potentials.”
“Natural approaches for appetite regulation and 'food noise' are highly effective when they adapt correctly.”
Here are five natural Ozempic alternatives:
Eat more protein
Protein high foods can help you reject “food noise” because proteins keep it faster for longer and can help stop cravings. Protein also preserves muscle mass, which is essential for long -term metabolic health. According to the NHS, adults must eat a gram of protein for every kilogram of their body weight every day.
Protein -rich foods include lean meats, such as skin -free chicken breast, eggs, beans and nuts.
Dr. Daniel Atkinson, a clinical protagonist of the treated online health company, said: “Eating a balanced diet, rich in a variety of fruit vegetables, fiber, healthy fats and thin proteins can help with the weight loss you are trying to achieve.
Fill with fiber

Eating more foods rich in fiber, such as oatmeal, flax seeds, beans, lentils, chickpeas and many vegetables, is another food that slows digestion, stabilizes blood sugar and promotes intestinal hormones that naturally regulate its appetite.
Exercise to overcome cravings

Exercise can help you a lot to control your appetite. “Regular movement, particularly strength training and moderate cardio helps regulate hunger hormones such as grelin and leptin while improving muscle mass and insulin sensitivity,” Killiner said.
Dr. Atkinson recommends creating an exercise routine that mixes cardiovascular work with strength training to burn fat.
“High intensity cardiovascular exercise, such as running, is an excellent way to burn fat. Strength training, such as weightlifting, can increase muscle mass, ”says Dr. Atkinson. “This can affect its metabolic rate, which means that it burns calories at a faster rate than it would generally.”
Stress management

When you feel low or anxious, it can be easy
Dr. Atkinson explained that being stressed or struggling with mental health can lead him to be bombarded with thoughts about food and cravings.
“This food can raise dopamine levels and provide temporary pleasure,” said Dr. Atkinson. “But using food in this way has little to do with satisfying its hunger, and it is more about pursuing positive feelings. The types of sandwiches, often junk food, which people generally resort during these periods, often provide very little nutrition. “
Chronic stress increases the cravings of high food in calories, but there are many techniques to break the habit of emotional food. “Free techniques such as conscious food, deep breathing and blood sugar balance help break this cycle,” Killiner said.
Reducing sugar and carbohydrates in your diet can help you control blood sugar peaks, which can help you feel more balanced and less likely to experience both cravings and subsequent accidents that can cause the stress it can cause.
Sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene is the practice of establishing healthy habits and behaviors that can help you cultivate an environment that improves sleep quality, as well as your general mental health and physical.
It may seem to say the obvious, but prioritize a regular sleep schedule and create a relaxed space to approach before bedtime can have a significant impact on improving your well -being and health. It is important to reduce the screen time before bedtime, create a routine at bedtime, link your bed with sleep (it does not spend too much time when you are not sleeping) and adhere to a similar time to bed every night.
“The bad dream interrupts hunger hormones, which leads to greater cravings and a reduced will,” explains Killiner. “Prioritizing sleep quality is essential for weight control.”
For anyone who fights with the problems raised in this article, the charity of eating disorder DefeatThe aid line is available 365 days a year at 0808 801 0677. NCFED offers information, resources and advice for those who suffer from eating disorders, as well as their support networks. Visit Or call 0845 838 2040