National Dentist's Day 2024: History, Meaning and How to Care for Your Child's Teeth

published by: Nibandh Vinod

Last update: March 6, 2024, 06:30 IST

National Dentist Day is celebrated annually on March 6. (Image: Shutterstock)

National Dentist Day serves as a reminder of the importance of oral health and hygiene and encourages people to prioritize their dental care.

National Dentist's Day is an annual event celebrated in India on March 6 to promote awareness about oral health and hygiene. Honors the contributions of dentists and dental professionals to maintaining good oral health and preventing oral diseases. This day also emphasizes the importance of regular dental checkups and oral hygiene practices such as brushing and flossing. It serves as a reminder of the importance of oral health and hygiene and encourages people to prioritize their dental care. This day also highlights advances in dentistry and the crucial role dentists play in maintaining our overall health and well-being.

National Dentist Day is a time to show appreciation to dentists for their hard work and dedication to keeping our smiles healthy.

National Dentist Day: History

The history of dentistry dates back to Ancient Egypt, around 2600 BC. C., where the first recorded dentist, Hesy-Ra, served as chief dentist under Pharaoh Djoser. The field has evolved significantly since then, with the first book dedicated entirely to dentistry published in Germany in 1530.

The Little Medicinal Book for All Kinds of Diseases and Ailments of the Teeth (Artzney Buchlein) was published in Germany in 1530, being the first book entirely dedicated to dentistry.

National Dentist's Day: importance

National Dentist's Day is important to highlight the importance of oral health and hygiene. Reminds people to prioritize their oral health, seek professional dental care when necessary, and appreciate dentists' efforts to promote oral health.

Raises awareness and recognizes the efforts of dentists and dental professionals in promoting good oral health and preventing oral diseases. It also educates people about the importance of regular dental checkups and oral hygiene practices.

How to celebrate National Dentist's Day?

  1. show appreciationExpress your gratitude to your dentist for their hard work and dedication.
  2. Improve oral healthCommit to better oral health habits, such as brushing and flossing regularly.
  3. Schedule a checkupVisit your dentist for a checkup and discuss any concerns you may have about your oral health.
  4. Educate othersSpread awareness about oral health and encourage others to prioritize their dental care.
  5. Social media campaignShare your appreciation for dentists on social media using the hashtag National Dentist Day.

How to take care of your child's teeth?

  1. Start earlyStart cleaning your baby's gums with a soft, damp cloth before his teeth emerge. Once your teeth come in, start brushing them with a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and a small amount of toothpaste (about the size of a grain of rice).
  2. Monitor brushingChildren should be supervised while brushing their teeth until they are 7 to 8 years old, or until they can reliably spit out toothpaste and not swallow it.
  3. Establish a routineEncourage regular brushing (twice a day for two minutes each time) and make it a fun, positive experience. Use a stopwatch or a toothbrush with a built-in timer to help them brush for the full two minutes.
  4. Limit sugary foods and drinksReduce the intake of snacks and sugary drinks, as they can contribute to the appearance of cavities. Offer healthier alternatives such as fruits, vegetables and cheese.
  5. Periodic dental checkupsTake your child to the dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings, starting with his or her first birthday. This helps detect any problems early and keeps your teeth healthy.
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