Mother films twin babies looking at each other for the first time

Twins may look similar to their parents, but it takes them some time to notice the resemblance.

Meagan Garr recently took to TikTok to share a video of her four-month-old twins, Cooper and Olsen, looking at each other for the first time. “My heart could explode. I hope you guys will always be best friends,” he captioned the clip.

In Garr's TikTok, his children are lying next to each other when one looks over and at first seems surprised to see another baby so close to him. Soon, the two end up smiling and laughing at each other, as the text on the screen reads, “My twin sons discover each other for the first time.”

The twins even seemed to communicate with each other as they both began to respond to each other's babbling.

Garr's video has since received more than 26 million views, with many viewers joking about Cooper and Olsen's interaction.

“And they were womb mates,” said one comment.

Another commenter joked: “They're having a telepathic conversation like…hey bro, remember when we kicked mom in the ribs.”

“'Ayyyyyeee, I know you!' This is the cutest thing!!” wrote a third person in the comments section.

According to an interview Garr gave to Todaydecided to film Cooper and Olsen to see if he could see them recognizing each other.

“I have a friend whose twins are six months old and she told me, 'They just noticed each other.' I thought, 'That's a milestone, what?'” she told the outlet.

The mother added that the two had previously recognized their two older brothers, Jackson, six, and Lucas, three, but not each other.

“It's kind of like, 'You're my arm, you're always there,'” Garr added.

She told the outlet that she also began taking photos of the twins in hopes of capturing one with them both smiling at the same time. As she watched her attempts, she saw them smiling at each other.

“It was a heartfelt moment that warmed my heart,” Garr recalled.

The mother of four added that she feels lucky to have twins, especially since it was a dream she had previously had.

“When I was five years old, I told my mom, 'I'm going to have twins when I'm older,'” Garr said. “Then I had my first baby and I was like, 'Just kidding, one is really hard.'”

Even though there were no twins in her or her husband's family, Garr said that when she was pregnant her son Jackson was convinced it would be twins this time.

“He said, 'I want two babies,'” Garr said. When she received her first ultrasound and discovered for herself that they were twins, Jackson “didn't even flinch.”

Cooper and Olsen were born premature at 33 weeks and spent the first month of their lives in the hospital's NICU, where Cooper weighed three pounds, 14 ounces and Olsen weighed five pounds, one ounce.

Although the twins have only addressed each other a few times, Garr said he would like them to do so more often.

“We've had some moments if they're both in a good mood and next to each other,” he said.

The independent Garr has been contacted for comment.

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