A mother has shown a technique she used to stop her daughter throwing a tantrum.
Tiara recently took to TikTok to share her daughter, Emma, holding a doll in front of her daycare and crying because she wasn't allowed to bring the doll inside. “I'm taking her to work with me,” she can be heard telling Emma in the background. “I'll take good care of her.”
The video then cuts back to Emma in bed with her doll as Tiara shows her everything her doll did while she was working with her. “Do you remember how today mom said she was going to take your baby to work?” she asked her daughter.
She then opens her laptop to show Emma several photos of her doll in the office. The first shows the doll sitting at a desk in front of a monitor and keyboard as he asks Emma what she thinks her doll is doing in the photo. “Working,” Emma replies as she laughs.
Another photo shows the doll taking a break from work to have a cup of coffee and even one of the dolls taking a bathroom break.
“I think he's in a work meeting,” Tiara says as she points to another image. “I think she's working on the laptop.”
Emma became so interested in the photos that she raised her wrist to look at them and said, “Look at that. Look at that photo. That's you.”
After it was posted, Tiara's video received over a million views, with many commenters noting how sweet her gesture was.
“You just EARNED their trust. You told her that you were going to take care of her beloved baby and gave her proof that you did so. (Which she loved!) Good job mom,” one comment read.
Another commenter agreed, writing, “As a daycare teacher, THANK YOU!! “She now knows that mom will take care of her baby while she is in daycare.”
“Your coworkers are great at playing along. I love this,” a third comment read.
In an interview with BuzzFeed, Tiara revealed that the doll couldn't go to daycare with Emma due to a new policy they added of refusing outside toys. “The night before the video occurred, I had to resign from the daycare contract and noticed a section that said parents were encouraged to keep personal toys at home as it causes tension when sharing during daycare hours” , he told the media.

Unfortunately, since her daughter had been taking the doll to daycare for the past year and a half, she didn't expect the sudden change to go well.
“I got her ready in the car on the way to daycare and told her that her baby couldn't go to school with her anymore. She seemed to be taking the news well until I asked her to give me the baby. It broke her heart to see her so sad. As parents, we often find ourselves negotiating with our intense toddlers. In an effort to calm her down and at the same time enforce her rule, I thought the transition would be easier for her if she could promise him that the baby would be in good hands,” she said.
That's when she got the idea to take the doll to the office. “I work hybrid, so I only go to the office two days a week. Plus, Emma sees me working at home often and she thinks work is “fun.” Sometimes I let her sit on my lap and type or move the mouse, and she has fun. I thought that if Emma likes to work, she will be entertained that her baby has gone to work.”
Her original plan was to take just one or two photos of the doll before her co-workers found out about the plan and quickly carried the doll everywhere while taking photos along the way.
“So baby gone. To team meetings. Work meetings. Lunch. She even went to the first aid station to get a Band-Aid,” Tiara said.